Wednesday, April 11, 2007
A State of Mind 心靈國度
Simojukka Ruippo and Jouni Hokkanen/ 2007/ Finland/ 3min/ no dialogue (無)
Life across the 38th parallel, with a techno soundtrack! 全在北韓偷拍的,練軍一般的動作再配電子音樂,難怪北韓政府不喜歡。
A State of Mind心靈國度
Daniel Gordon/ 2004/ UK/ 93min/ En + Kor/ Ch subs (英+韓/中)
Documentary: An unprecedented look into the lives of ordinary residents of Pyongyang, North Korea’s capital city. The film follows the lives of two young girls training for the Mass Games, a highly nationalistic performance of thousands of children dancers and acrobats for the country’s dictator, Kim Jong-il, the “Dear Leader.” The film carefully balances the political realities of life in an an ultra-nationalistic North Korea with the human aspects of how people live, love and strive for a better tomorrow.
**Special Film Award, Pyongyong International Film Festival 2004
**Official Selection: Pusan IFF (2004), International Documentary Festival Amsterdam (2005), Singapore IFF (2005), Sydney FF (2005) and others
**Followed by filmmaker Q&A
紀錄片: 導演史無前例的用鏡頭來一窺北韓首都平壤的日常生活。本片記述著兩位準備參與全國體育競賽的年輕女孩;全國無數兒童、舞者、特技人員藉由這個體育盛會,展現出他們對北韓領導人金正日無上的愛國情操。本片細膩地用愛與生活等人性的觀點來平衡充滿極端愛國主義的政治氣氛。
**參展紀錄:2004︰平壤國際影展 特別獎,釜山國際影展 官方票選,2005︰阿姆斯特丹國際紀錄片展,新加坡國際影展,雪梨影展