Stupid Weird Modern: Shorts 6
Solo and Before Twelve Solo 與 十二點以前
Hsieh Yu-yen 謝雨嫣/ 2004 and 2006/ Taiwan/ 3min and 4min/ no dialogue (無)
Love Story 愛情物語
Samoa 王天右/ 2007/ Taiwan/ 12min/ Ch/ En (中/英)
de.range.ment 迷走
Meta Hong洪雅純/ 2005/ Taiwan/ 23min/ Ch (中)
It’s not that hard to meet someone on MSN for sex. But what happens then? Why do people leading normal, happy lives always want more?
Samaritan 撒瑪利亞人
Chang Chi-wei 張智瑋/ 2006/ Taiwan/ 11min/ Ch/ En (中/英)
Everyone has a double put onto this earth somewhere far away, because if the two ever meet, the consequences will be awful. A taxi driver, a gangster, you get the point…
Chiu Pei-yu 邱珮妤/ 2006/ Taiwan/ 14min/ Tw/ Ch (台/中)
Puppet heroes Sun Wukong and friends go through a wormhole and exit their TV show for a middle school in Hualien.