Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Chasing, Running, Jumping, Colliding

Program by Tony Wu
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
We are all very fond of Wang Kar-Wei’s movies and his use of endless chasing, hurrying, running, and jumping, and colliding sequences which stimulate the nerves in the body. What are we chasing after? What are we hurrying after? Why are we running, jumping, and colliding? In this segment we have 11 directors pursuing this vision, often at high speeds and in the process blurring the distinction between reality and dream-like states.


Three Decades of Static 三十滯 (趕)
Chen Yin-Ju 陳瀅如/ 2006/ 4min/ no dialogue (無)
A deep spiral staircase with figures looping in impossible progressions, like a drawing by MC Escher.

O● (趕)
Kuo Tzn-Lung 郭子榮/ 2005/ 15min/ no dialogue (無)
Early one morning a many awakes to find his privates covered by a dot, he tries to shake it but to little avail as he fights this lonely battle…

The Coldest war Part One 寒戰(一) (互相追趕)
James T. Hong ( 洪子健) /2006/7min/ Ch/En (中/英)
A satirical look at Hu Jintao’s “Million Flowers” movement, a campaign designed to enhance and the peaceful and (re)productive relationship between the US and China.

Roaming the Graffiti City 塗鴉城市漫遊記 (追趕跑)
Lin Ming-Yu & Chang Pu-Teng (林明玉 & 張溥騰)/ 2006/ 8:30min/ no dialogue (無)
An short film using animation, video, and other footage to take a look at graffiti and the modern cityscape questioning what is legal art and do people really understand art this is publicly commissioned.

Taipei Rhapsody (追趕跑)
Ke-Li Song 宋可莉/ 2006 / 20min/ Ch/En (中/英)
Love is an illusion and in a modern city, it is perhaps even more difficult to find. Do we really love someone, or have we fallen in love with an image?

Levitate II – Ximnding and Levitate IV – Tomato Juice
飄浮口-西門町 飄浮口-番茄汁
Yu Chung-I宇中怡/ 2005/ 4min/ no dialogue (無)
Experimental/ video art: The feeling of what life is like suspended in mid air.

It’s Your Turn今天你去 (碰)
George Hsin辛建宗/ 2005/ 12min/ Ch/ En (中/英)
A hard-boiled take on hipster Bonnie and Clyde types trying to rob a coffee bar.

Into Cosplay (碰)
Mia Chen陳明秀/ 2007/ 9min/ no dialogue (無)
Cosplay means dressing up like characters from comics, anime or computer games. This film is more worship than documentary, or maybe cosplay without the “play.” Coz man, this shit is real! (And the Casio theme music kicks in...)

Peep (碰與不碰)
Hsieh Cha-Chang 謝佳璋/ 2006/ 4min/ no dialogue (無)
A hidden camera takes a look at a young girl’s uniform, and a pair of legs in a miniskirt and public touching?

Love Make Love and Fall in Love with Man愛 性愛 同性之愛 (碰與不碰)
Chen Ke-Chin 陳克勤/ 2006/ 3min/ Ch (中)
The film examines homosexual love, sex, and intimacy, ultimately challenging the audience to join the love party!