大家好,感謝台北雙年展,我們能給你方應免費電影,從9月14日至10月18日每週六都會放映,歡迎你來! (其實9月14日是星期日,不過也是中秋節,沒關係,台北市不能烤肉,來看電影吧!)
Hi everybody. Thanks to the 2008 Taipei Biennial, we get to show you FREE MOVIES once every week for six weeks!!! The first week we'll be just outside the Taipei Fine Arts Museum, then for the next five Saturdays we'll be at the Taiwan Beer Factory on Jiangguo S. Rd.
SCHEDULE CHANGE 改時間: 9/21 (Sun / 日), 7:30pm @ Taiwan Beer Factory 台北啤酒工場
原來9/14放映在中山美術公園, 因為颱風改到9/21在台北啤酒工場.
Originally scheduled for 9/14 at Taipei Art Park, but changed to 9/21 at Taiwan Beer Factory due to the typhoon.
跨越 Crossing the Line (94分鐘)
+ 洪子健的短片 Short Films by James Hong (35 min)
跨越是美國人到北韓流亡 + 洪子建拍後殖民的台北.
map / 地圖
9/20 (Sat / 六), 7:30pm @
幸福的地圖 Voyage to Happiness (60分鐘)
+ 歡迎來到奈萊塢 Welcome to Nollywood (57分鐘)
亞洲的外籍配偶 + 奈及利亞有非洲最活潑的電影業.
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9/27 (Sat / 六), 7:30pm @ Taiwan Beer Factory 台北啤酒工場
選舉 The Campaign (120分鐘)
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10/4 (Sat / 六), 7:30pm @ Taiwan Beer Factory 台北啤酒工場
幫派Tribu (95分鐘)
+ 菲律賓激進主義系列短片2005-2008
Filipino Activist Shorts 2005-2008(30分鐘)
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10/11 (Sat / 六), 7:30pm @ Taiwan Beer Factory 台北啤酒工場
The Yes Men (80分鐘) + 有的沒的 Odds and Ends (35分鐘)
反大企業行動主義者搞亂 + 美國奧勒崗州波特蘭的雜類indie片.
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10/12 (Sun / 日), 2:30pm @ 臺北市立美術館B2視聽室 Taipei Fine Arts Museum, B2 Auditorium
Tribu (95分鐘)+ Filipino Activist Shorts (30min)
*入場前須要先買一張北美館門票 (新台幣30元) Requires NT$30 museum entry.
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10/18 (Sat / 六), 7:30pm @ Taiwan Beer Factory 台北啤酒工場
獅子山的難民樂隊 Sierra Leone’s Refugee All Stars (80分鐘)
+ 短褲隨選 Random Shorts (45分鐘)
非洲獅子山到難民營的路中, 他們組樂團, 出唱片, 都是為了和平.
map / 地圖
Following the opening of the Taipei Biennial, the Urban Nomad Film Fest will keep the exhibition’s spirit alive through six weeks of free screenings of indie films. The films will include documentaries, features and shorts from Taiwan and around the world that entertain while also speaking to movements for change and social awareness. Films will cover subjects like an American defector to North Korea, Nigeria’s film industry, a Japanese election campaign, and anti-corporate pranksters. Several films offered new modes of activism, like Tribu, a drama about Filipino hip hop gangs that created a real gangland truce by bringing gang members together as actors in the film. Other films focus intently on issues like democracy, migrations, and our political/media environment. Most importantly, all of them approach issues from the level of the common man or woman. They carry a sense of practical idealism that viewers can take away with them, apply in their lives, and hopefully become better citizens of our world.
Urban Nomad is a self-funded platform for underground and indie films founded in 2002 and based in Taipei. Our immediate goals are to create community-level support for producers of short films, documentaries and narrative films, then to connect our local indie film community to others in East Asia and Southeast Asia. More generally, Urban Nomad is a place where people can come together. We want to use films to start discussions, not brainwash people with movies.