BLUE EARTH - OUR OCEAN: PANEL DISCUSSION[for English, scroll down]
時間 TIME:Sat. 5/1 (六) 2-4pm
地點 PLACE:台北國際藝術村 (100台北市中正區北平東路7號)
Taipei Artist Village, 7 Beiping E. Rd, Taipei
artistvillage@artistvillage.orgMAP / 地圖與談人:資深環境紀錄工作者 柯金源
動物社會研究會執行長 朱增宏
台灣媽祖魚保育聯盟 甘宸宜
主持人:蠻野心足生態協會 王佳真
1. 海洋與台灣人2. 從《血色海灣》看台灣鯨豚的處境* 海生館的鯨豚從哪裡來?
保育人士努力救鯨豚,海生館卻鼓勵「獵捕」 : 全球海域每每發生鯨豚擱淺事件時,總有無數專業人士及義工投入救援,協助牠們回家與家人團聚,但同時卻有一群假學術之名的「商人、學者」,不斷迫害智慧極高、和人類同樣是哺乳動物的鯨豚,讓牠們遠離海洋家園,將牠們關進玻璃箱內,訓練牠們為人類進行「馬戲表演」。
* 台灣的極危險瀕臨絕種白海豚
3. 從《救鯊行動》看台灣的海鮮文化* 魚翅文化背後的殘忍事實
* 最血腥的健康食品
4. 保護我的海洋,如何行動?* 動物社會研究會近期行動宣傳
* 媽祖魚保育聯盟近期行動宣傳
Ke Jin-yuan, nature photographer and filmmaker
Zhu Ceng-hong, EAST (Environment & Animal Society of Taiwan)
Gan Zhen-yi, Matsu's Fish Conservation Union
Janis Wang, Wild at Heart Legal Defense Association
1. Taiwanese and the ocean2. 《THE COVE》and the predicament of dolphins in Taiwan.* Where does the National Museum of Marine Biology & Aquarium get its dolphins?
While conservations work to protect dolphins and whales, the National Aquarium promotes dolphin roundups. Dolphin roundups like that documented in THE COVE are no doubt senselessly destructive, but they can continue because ocean parks all over the world continue to purchase dolphins from them. Also, what are the ethical issues involved in keeping dolphins in small tanks and forcing them to live out their lives performing circus tricks?
* Taiwan's critically endangered dolphins
The Indo-European humpback dolphin, locally known as "Matsu's fish," is an important indicator of the health of coastal ecosystems. At present, there may be as few as 60-90 of these dolphins remaining, and they have been listed as "critically endangered" by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). What can be done to save this species from extinction?
3. 《SHARKWATER》and Local Seafood Culture* The dark side of shark's fin soup
Research by the IUCN on shark populations indicates that 111 species of sharks can now be considered "endangered." It has been said that if current rates of overfishing continue, by 2048, the only think left in the ocean to catch will be jellyfish. The problem with shark finning, is that while shark's fins are highly valuable, their meat is often considered worthless. So sharks are caught, de-finned and tossed back into the sea, thereby destroying a predator at the top of the ocean food chain and ruining ecosystems on which we all depend.
* Environmentally Unfriendly Health Food
Seal oil is available in nearly every pharmacy in Taiwan as well as numerous mass market retailers, and all of it comes from hideous seal slaughters. Between 2003 and 2009, Taiwan has imported 431,364 kilos of seal oil (mainly in caplet form), the 4th largest total in the world! During this seven year period, Taiwanese are estimated to be responsible for the deaths of 120,000 seals.
4. Protecting the Ocean: What can I do?Representatives from EAST and Matsu's Fish Conservation Union will report on recent activities by their organizations and how people can make a difference either in their everyday lives or participate in conservation activities.