Thursday, April 29, 2010

歌手馬修 連恩是今天晚上的貴賓之一,關於這次的首映他表示:

“我很興奮能出席 "血色海灣"在台灣的首映會。








Canadian singer-songwriter and long-time Taiwan resident Matthew Lien will be an honored guest at tonight's screening of THE COVE. Here's what he has to say about why he's coming:

“I am thrilled to attend the screening of "The Cove" in Taiwan.

For the first time in history, our children today are being born into the world with a global environmental crisis.

Last year, I became the father of a Taiwanese son. But I feel sad for him, because his Taiwan is facing a dismal future.

Here in Taiwan. my son's natural habitat is disappearing, pollution is destroying his beautiful ecosystems, and his ocean is becoming so acidic from CO2 that coral reefs can not survive.

But we -- the adults of today -- have time to make some important choices. One choice is whether we will save Taiwan's Pink Dolphins from extinction.

Thanks to documentaries like "The Cove", more people are becoming aware of the crisis facing our oceans. I hope showing this movie in Taiwan will help us decide that our children's Taiwan, and Taiwan Pink Dolhpins, are too precious to lose.

Our children deserve our concern.”

Matthew Lien