Saturday, May 15, 2010
Video Art: Guillaume Mazloum
The Lost Cause
France | 2010 | 12mins
以超八釐米軟片及HD數位拍攝製作,Guillaume Mazloum 的短片「失落的動機」關注於人在反叛及暴動中尋求意義的生命經驗。主角身處於反烏托邦的景況,失去一切、感到絕望。存在著的沮喪感來自人類的自由及責任,因為意義無法被定義,而是應該被實踐。主角在自我責任的隱喻中掙扎,思考自我的存在性與生命的意義。我們到底應該發起怎樣的革命?還是它僅止於本片的標題,是一個「失落的動機」?
Shot in Super 8mm film and HD digital, Guillaume Mazloum’s [The Lost Cause] hinges on the human experience search for meaning amid a rebellious uprising. A complete loss or absence of hope is discerned by the protagonist through a dystopian tableau. This existential despair marks the consequences that come with human freedom and responsibility because meaning cannot be prescribed but must be realized. The protagonist grapples with the implications of self-responsibility over who we are and what our lives mean. Whatrevolt should we lead? Or is it merely a ‘lost cause’ as the title suggests?
Guillaume Mazloum (FR)
Guillaume Mazloum 是一位結合傳統與數位創作的法國電影工作者,同時也是一位攝影師。
Guillaume Mazloum is a French filmmaker and photographer who makes work intersecting traditional and digital film.