Friday, April 03, 2009

4/23 (四) Thursday

Cosmopolitan Grill, 218 Changchun Rd. 長春路218號
$250 底消費 / $250 minimum per person
定位電話: (02) 2508-0304


鯨豚 Wholpin
followed by Q&A with Wholphin editor-in-chief Brent Hoff


Wholphin is a DVD magazine published out of San Francisco that is named after a new species of animal, one created after a whale and a dolphin, well, you know....drink too much champagne and listen to Barry White. So this magazine for short films was born, like its namesake, as a hybrid for a new world. Quite wonderfully, the contents of each issue ride a fine line between delivering solid entertainment and responsible information. Films in this program range from life weariness in Sweden to solar flares and democracy in China.

遊牧短片Urban Nomad shorts:
E finita la commedia/ Jean-Julien Collette and Olivier Tollet/ France/ 13min Fr/En 法/英
「阿富汗深植在我記憶」,美聯社攝影師Wally Santana帶來的幻燈片展與實況報導。
“My Afghan Embed,” a slide show with commentary by Associated Press photographer Wally Santana.

鯨豚短片Wholphin shorts:
Cold and Dry 涼爽且乾燥
Kristoffer Joner/ 2008/ Sweden/ 12min/ Swe/En/Ch 英/中
Wholphin/ 2005/ US/ 3:30min/ En/Ch 英/中
Look at the Sun
Emily Doe, Brent Hoff/ 2008/ US/ 5min/ En/Ch 英/中
Short Term
Destin Daniel Cretton/ US/ 22min/ En 英
John Kung Fu Wang 約翰 「功夫」王
Dan Vest/ 2007/ US/ 6min/ En/Ch 英/中
Please Vote for Me
Chen Weijun 陳為軍/ 2007/ South Africa/China / 32min/ Ch/En 中/英