Friday, April 03, 2009



5月1日的時間調整:吳俊輝的《凝結狀態》將晚上7點20分開始,之後有許雅婷的〈Nowhere Island〉,〈小李子〉一樣9點15分播放

5月2日:〈Sonic Youth〉將7點正開始播放,隨後有凱比鳥,Boyz and Girl等樂團的表演。

May 2: Sonic Youth begins at 7pm sharp. Bands KbN and Boyz and Girl will play after.

電影票 Tickets: $200 / 學生 students $150
預售電影票 Advance tickets: 5張 $750 / 5 for $750 (限量!!!)
Party 票: $700/ $500 預售 in advance

預售買點 / Ticket locations: (4月10日開始賣)
Mo! Relax -- 台北市泰順街60巷20號 / #20, Ln 60, Taishun St
KGB -- 台北市師大路114巷5號 / #5, Lane 114, Shida Rd / Tel: (02) 2363-6015
Bliss -- 台北市信義路4段148號 / #148, Sec. 4, Xin-Yi Rd. Taipei
Mei's -- 台北市永康街37巷16號 / #16, Lane 37, Yongkang St. Taipei
南海藝廊 -- 台北市重慶南路二段19巷3號 / #3, Lane 19, Sec. 2, Chongqing S. Rd., Taipei

特別感謝 / Special Thanks:



Jack Daniel's, Bliss, Carlsberg Beer, Cosmopolitan Grill, KGB, Mary Jane's Pizza, Taishin Bank Foundation for Arts and Culture 台新銀行文化藝術基金會, Mei's Tea Bar

Urban Nomad at Nanhai Gallery

5/2 (六) 2:30pm 節目一
Hans Fjellestad/ 2004/ US/ 70min/ En/Ch 英/中
《愛噪音》Love Noise
劉峰 Hammer Liu / 2008 / China/ 73min/ Ch 中

5/3 (日) 2pm 節目二
[後浪蒐羅] 海峽私通系
丁正 Ding Zheng/ China/ 14分鐘/ Ch 中
《草芥》 Weeds
王笠人 Wang Liren/ China/ 120min/ Ch 中
**映後座談:Meta +導演跨海網路線上問答 on line Q&A

5/3 (日) 5pm 節目三
《鯨豚》vs《城市遊牧》Wholphin vs. Urban Nomad
電影介紹 : 見4月25日節目 (120min/ Ch/En 中/英)
朱鷹文 Zhu Yingwen/ China/ 41min/ Ch 中

5/8 (五) 7:30pm 節目四
Sonic Youth: Sleeping Nights Awake 音速青春
Micheal Albright & Project Moonshine/ 2008/ US/ 84 minutes/ En/Ch 英/中

5/9 (六) 3pm 節目五
焦點: 第二人生
Second Me 第二個我
Anna Thommen/ 2008/ Switzerland/ 18min/ Ger/En/Ch英/中
Molotov Alva and his Search for the Creator: A Second Life Odyssey
Douglas Gayeton/ 2007/ US/ 52min/ En/Ch英/中

[後浪蒐羅] 海峽私通系
《垂直牧場》Vertical Farm
陳星海 Chen Xinghai/ China/ 50min/ Tibetan/Ch 藏語/中

台北電擊女孩 Taipei Electroshock Girls
Val Lee 李靜怡/ 2008/ Taiwan/ 3min
寶島少年傻大盜 Silly Matsusei Riders
Val Lee 李靜怡/ 2008/ Taiwan/ 19min
**映後座談:李靜怡 Hikky

5/9 (六)閉幕 PARTY - 免費 / FREE
Clair 克萊兒樂團 + 保坂明美 Akemi Hosaka + DJ:SPENCER (素人DJ龍頭)

4/23 (四) Thursday

Cosmopolitan Grill, 218 Changchun Rd. 長春路218號
$250 底消費 / $250 minimum per person
定位電話: (02) 2508-0304


鯨豚 Wholpin
followed by Q&A with Wholphin editor-in-chief Brent Hoff


Wholphin is a DVD magazine published out of San Francisco that is named after a new species of animal, one created after a whale and a dolphin, well, you know....drink too much champagne and listen to Barry White. So this magazine for short films was born, like its namesake, as a hybrid for a new world. Quite wonderfully, the contents of each issue ride a fine line between delivering solid entertainment and responsible information. Films in this program range from life weariness in Sweden to solar flares and democracy in China.

遊牧短片Urban Nomad shorts:
E finita la commedia/ Jean-Julien Collette and Olivier Tollet/ France/ 13min Fr/En 法/英
「阿富汗深植在我記憶」,美聯社攝影師Wally Santana帶來的幻燈片展與實況報導。
“My Afghan Embed,” a slide show with commentary by Associated Press photographer Wally Santana.

鯨豚短片Wholphin shorts:
Cold and Dry 涼爽且乾燥
Kristoffer Joner/ 2008/ Sweden/ 12min/ Swe/En/Ch 英/中
Wholphin/ 2005/ US/ 3:30min/ En/Ch 英/中
Look at the Sun
Emily Doe, Brent Hoff/ 2008/ US/ 5min/ En/Ch 英/中
Short Term
Destin Daniel Cretton/ US/ 22min/ En 英
John Kung Fu Wang 約翰 「功夫」王
Dan Vest/ 2007/ US/ 6min/ En/Ch 英/中
Please Vote for Me
Chen Weijun 陳為軍/ 2007/ South Africa/China / 32min/ Ch/En 中/英

4/24 (五) Friday

台北藝術村 台北市北平東路7號
Taipei Artist Village, 7 Beiping E. Rd, Taipei 地圖 Map


Here Comes Greatness

Matt Luem/ 2009/ USA/ 80min/ En/Ch 英/中
**放映後導演問答取消了,好可惜嘔 :( / there will no longer be a director Q&A, sorry :(

極度血腥暴力與真實的痛苦! 導演Matt Luem和Greg Fiering耗時七年拍攝,紀錄美國洛城青少年的後院摔角文化,描述他們如何組社區摔角聯盟,探討他們為何感受到站在自作拳擊台上才是真實,其他的一切都是假的。三十年前,加州充滿心懷不滿青年組群,變成朋克於滑板文化的出生地,現在又興起後院摔跤,是新時代的成年儀式或自滅的衝動?友誼、種族、鐵釘、鐵絲網與碎燈泡,再說一次!弟弟不要學,哥哥有練過!

In the backyards of suburban Los Angeles, teens like Andre “Youth Suicide” Verdun and Chris “Mr Fantastic” Jackson hurl each other across makeshift wrestling rings littered with thumbtacks, fluorescent tubes and barbed wire. The blood is real and so is the pain. Director Matt Leum and Greg Fiering spent seven years chronicling the rise and fall of amateur backyard wrestling leagues like the EEW (Evil Empire Wrestling). They followed what would eventually be seen as a YouTube phenomenon by Time magazine and ABC Television, describing kids on the suburban fringe in a search for meaning, friendship and the adrenaline rush of falling off a house or a reckless run through razor wire. Do we need to say…. Don’t try this at home.


Shorts 1: Romance vs. Nomance

你以為這只是一般的浪漫喜劇嗎?那你就大錯特錯了,讓人料想不到的劇情發展,保證讓你笑到爆。「Baby Baby」想知道情歌的吉它創作靈感都從哪裡來嗎?絕對讓你一路笑回家。「鎖匠先生的祕密」也普光愛情之秘密之一,若急得找女朋友,一個好方式是獲得諳練對方家裡的鑰匙,不過不是完全保證的嘍!

This section is not about romantic comedy, it’s about romance as comedy. (And no, that’s not the same thing.) “Baby Baby” is maybe the best movie ever about the where acoustic guitar love ballads come from. “May I Keep Your Key?” involves the best trick ever for getting a girlfriend – breaking and entering. Plenty of schadenfreude for everyone. Oh yeah!

「我說啊」 我說
Ma Kuang-pei 馬匡霈/ 2008/ Taiwan/ 6min/ no dialogue 無對話
Cocoon 繭
Wu Tai-li 伍玳黎/ 2008/ US/ 33sec/ no dialogue 無對話
Milk Man
Su Hua-ya 蘇話雅/ 2008/ Taiwan/ 13min/ Ch/En 中/英
I Dream of Angelina
Norman Szabo, Darrel Gallant/ 2008/ Taiwan/ 1min/ no dialogue無對話
Baby Baby
Cobi Co 柯立壵/ 2008/ Taiwan/ 5min/ Ch/En 中/英
Chang Ya-Chun 張雅淳/ 2007/ Taiwan/ 7min/ Ch/En 中/英
May I Keep Your Key? 鎖匠先生的祕密
Chan Ching-lin 詹京霖/ 2008/ Taiwan/ 33min/ Ch/En 中/英
Lure of the Sirens 海妖的誘惑
Kalim Chan 陳家廉, Dmitry Kmelnitsky/ 2008/ US/ 14min/ no dialogue 無對話

4/25 (六) Saturday 2pm

台北藝術村 台北市北平東路7號
Taipei Artist Village, 7 Beiping E. Rd, Taipei 地圖 Map

座談會+放映 - 免費
Filmmaker Panel Discussion + Screening -

One Nation Under Lee
Seelan Palay/ Singapore/ 2008/ 42min/ Ch/En 中/英
這是新加坡最新禁演的影片,製作人Soik Chin Chee同時也參與政治運動,已經被新加坡法院宣告破產而限制出境。本片披露新加坡前總理李光耀如何緊緊掌控國家的所有政治、媒體、經濟等權力資源,透過這種霸權機制,創造出自己的王位與朝代。然而李光耀卻向外界說,他的這種作風代表「亞洲價值」以及一種「民主」的方式。
This is the latest banned political documentary from Singapore, and one of the activist filmmakers behind it has been financially bankrupted by the government and is not allowed to leave Singapore. The film looks unflinchingly at Singapore’s founding ruler, Lee Kuan Yew, meticulously detailing the history of how he subjugated the city state under the guise of democracy.

Panel Discussion: Asian Activist Films

主持人 Moderator: 張鐵志
參與人 Panelists: 陳浩倫 (香港導演), 林正修, 蔡晏霖 (國立新加坡大學)


The panel will cover how films and filmmakers hope to affect change in different parts of Asia and will focus on three films in this year’s Urban Nomad program, Chan’s “Good Luck, Comrades!”, “One Nation Under Lee,” and the Chinese film about the Sichuan earthquake, “Who Killed Our Children?” The discussion will be chaired by writer and human rights advocate TC Chang and include Hong Kong filmmaker Fredie Chan.

4/25 (六) Saturday – UN09 PARTY

Paris Night Club, 89 Wuchang St., 5F
夜巴黎餐廳 台北市武昌街89號5樓 地圖 / Map
門票 / Tickets: NT$700/ NT$500 advance



Shorts 2:
Damn! We Love These Films!


我們並非有意用標題來迷惑(誤導)各位。事實是, 今晚將有最酷炫、勁爆、獨創性最強的影片,一網打進,保證值回票價。尤其是「雙面性事」,這簡直是奇葩,絕非語言文字可以形容,一定要你親身來體驗。

No, we’re not trying to influence the judges with this program title. We just want to make this night special! Pound for pound, these are the shorts we found weirdest, rawest and coolest of the bunch. Don’t miss “Double A-Sex.” It’s so awesome we can’t even tell you what it’s about.

Lost Boyz
Stuart Isett/ 8min/ no dialogue
Looking for a Nameless Hero 尋找無名的英雄
Fung Ya-da 馮雅達/ 2006/ Taiwan/ 2min/ Ch/En 中/英
The Ticket 白單子
Kipo Lin 林楷博/ 2008/ Taiwan/ 13min/ Ch/En 中/英
Traveler 旅人日記
Tsai Chueh-lin 蔡玨伶/ 2008/ Taiwan/ 3min/ no dialogue 無對話
Bu Hua 卜樺/ 2009/ China/ 3min/ no dialogue無對話
Dogs of Straw 芻狗
Chen Yin-ju 陳瀅如, James Hong 洪子健/ 2009/ Taiwan/ 11min/ Ch/En 中/英
Ping Bomb 乒碰
Ren Peng-wen 任鵬文/ 2007/ Taiwan/ 1min/ no dialogue 無對話
Double A-Sex 雙面性事
Jan Kai-di 詹凱迪/ 2009/ Taiwan/ 10min/ Ch/En 中/英


Wholphin 鯨豚
開派對該看什麼影片?鯨豚為我們獻上「重金屬小子」! 一群正值前青春期的叛逆英國小夥子,在老爸老媽的支持下組了一個名為「憎恨」的死亡金屬樂團。沒錯,這就是那種會讓你覺得人生比科幻小說還要莫名奇妙的紀錄片!除此之外,還有關於醉醺醺的蜜蜂和其他瘋狂玩意兒的影片,看完保證你等不及要開始與樂團盡情狂歡了!
We asked Wholphin for a program of party films, and they gave us Heavy Metal Jr., which is about a group of British pre-teens who form a death metal band called Hatred, while their parents drive them to band practice and generally clap along. It is one of those stories that shows that life is stranger than fiction. That’s right, it’s a documentary. There’s also films about drunk bees and other crazy shit. Once you watch these, you will be ready for the bands.

Nash Edgerton/ 2005/ Australia/ 6min/ no dialogue無對話
Force One TD能量經典鞋款
Randy Krallman/ 2008/ US/ 12min/ En/Ch英/中
Fantasie in Bubble Wrap泡泡包的幻想
Arthur Metcalf/ 2007/ US/ 4:30/ En/Ch 英/中
Carson Mell/ 2007/ US/ 13min/ En/Ch 英/中
Drunk Bees
Brent Hoff, Emily Doe/ 2007/ US/ 6min/ 英/中
Heavy Metal Jr.
Chris Waitt/ 2005/ UK/ 24min/ En/Ch 英/中

BANDS 樂團演出

My Skin Against Your Skin (by Andrea of Rabbit is Rich)
Deadly Vibes (myspace)
Rock in Hose Burlesque (有一點類似脫衣舞)
Bob Log III (official web site)
MoneyShot Horns (myspace)
Later: DJ Floaty

要記得,這究竟是一個party啦!今年我們邀請了美國原汁原味的密西西比河三角洲布朋克魯斯樂手 Bob Log III,用手彈吉他,用腳踢鼓,穿著一件砲彈服裝與摩托車安全帽搖滾!

Remember, this is a party! We are proud to present Bob Log III, authentic Mississippi Delta punk blues (from Arizona)! A former recording star from Fat Possum. He is a one man band, playing guitar with his hands and drums with his feet. He wears a motorcycle helmet and sings into a telephone. He looks like they should shoot him out of a cannon, but instead he plays rock ‘n roll!


4/26 (日) Sunday

台北藝術村 台北市北平東路7號
Taipei Artist Village, 7 Beiping E. Rd, Taipei 地圖 Map

3pm - FREE
Wholphin: Screening + Talk

『鯨豚』DVD雜誌的主編Brent Hoff將談談他對於短片製作的期待與寄望,以及這本DVD雜誌將如何為短片開啟一個新市場。

Wholphin editor-in-chief Brent Hoff will talk about what he looks for in short films and how his DVD magazine is making a market for them.

American Outrage
Beth Gage and George Gage/ US/ 30min/ En/Ch 英/中


Good Luck, Comrades!
<洞爺外傳> 之 祝君安好

Fredie Chan 陳浩倫/ 2008/ Hong Kong/ 65min/ En/Ch 英/中
**放映後導演問答 / followed by director Q&A

這部紀錄片是七位來自香港的公民記者「 洞爺七狗」在他們前往2008年在日本洞爺湖舉行的G8高峰會外示威抗議途中留下的紀錄。一降落機場,他們卻隨即遭到日本政府拘留禁閉,此舉震驚全亞洲!片中記錄他們與其他抗議者的故事。在現今

This documentary is the record left by seven citizen reporters from Hong Kong, the Toya7dogs, on their trip to protest the 2008 G8 Summit in Lake Toya, Japan. Upon landing in Japan, they were detained by the Japanese government, an action that made papers throughout Asia. The film follows their story and that of other protestors. In this era, anti-globalization is picking up steam as an international movement. This film looks at how it’s taking shape in Asia and what it can accomplish.


Shorts 3: Sunday Nightcap

換上一雙平底鞋,牽起情人的手,這一夜,讓電影的暖流,流轉於我倆心田。「親愛的某某先生」描述一位小學生寫了信,展轉到了這位X先生手上的奇妙旅程,或許回讓你想到「囧男孩」,不過也沒有那種怪爸爸的殺出重圍機器角色。「Nowhere Island」探討一位中國移民,落腳於芝加哥的生活與寄託。「覓」是一部漂亮的動畫片,在沉悶、烏煙瘴氣的台北,轉角處也能覓得一座屬於自己的秘密花園。還有更多好片喔!
Kick up your heels, maybe lay a gentle hand on your significant other, and cozy up to some films that will cozy back up to you. “Dear Mr. X” is a tale about a young school boy finding an unlikely pen pal. “Nowhere Island” looks at the life and hopes of a Chinese immigrant in present-day Chicago. “Rec/Rec” finds an anime garden in Taipei’s urban grime. And much more.

Piccoli Segreti (Little Secrets)
Stefano Giannotti/ 2007/ Italy/ 1min/ no dialogue 無對話
Candy Tang 唐國瑋, Zhang Qi-rong 張綺容/ 2008/ Taiwan/ 5min/ Ch 中
Letter on Red 題紅葉
Wang Chih-cheng 王誌成/ 2007/ Taiwan/ 15min/ Ch/En 中/英
Dear Deer 親愛的鹿
Huang Yu-ching 黃雨晴/ 2008/ Taiwan/ 1min/ no dialogue 無對話
Silent Love 無聲的愛
Chen Li-chuan 陳麗娟/ 2009/ Taiwan/ 3min/ Ch/En 中/英
Dear Mr. X 親愛的某某先生
Zoe Lin 林冠慧/ 2008/ Taiwan/ 30min/ Ch/En 中/英
Rec/Rec 覓
Wu Yin-hao 吳英豪/ 2007/ Taiwan/ 10min/ no dialogue 無對話
Nowhere Island
Hsu Ya-ting 許雅婷/ 2008/ US/ 23min/ Ch/En 中/英
Je t’aime 酒蛋
Cute Wang 王思閔/ 2008/ Taiwan/ 10min/ Ch/En 中/英

4/28 (二) Tuesday

台北藝術村 台北市北平東路7號
Taipei Artist Village, 7 Beiping E. Rd, Taipei 地圖 Map


Shorts 4: Documentary


That’s right, the unexamined life and all that. These homegrown documentaries are important. Hla Huy is a wonderful documentary on an aboriginal youth who tries to recreate a life for himself after getting out of jail. His dream is simply to hunt, but in this day and age, life is never that simple. Other stories give first-hand accounts of the 1949 immigration from the Dachen Islands, life after switching genders, the stray dog problem and going to work.

The Footprint of Ta’Chen 陳跡

Li Hsin-hua 李欣樺/ 2009/ Taiwan/ 12min/ Ch/En 中/英
Mobius 莫比烏斯
Hung Wei-ting 洪瑋婷/ 2009/ Taiwan/ 17min/ Ch/En 中/英
Transfer Point
Jenny Lin/ 2007/ Canada/ 5min/ no dialogue 無對話
Return + Fantasy
Chen An-ju 陳安如, Huang Chi 黃琪/ 2008/ Taiwan/ 4min/ no dialogue 無對話
Hla Huy 山上
Huang Yu-fang 黃郁芳, Lien Zhi-kai 連智凱/ 2007/ Taiwan/ 27min/ Ch/Atayal/En 中/泰雅/英
Await 等,待
Huang Min-yen 黃閔彥/ 2009/ Taiwan/ 12min/ Ch/En 中/ 英


Who Killed Our Children? 誰殺了我們的孩子?

Pan Jianlin 盤劍林/ 2008/ China/ 92min/ Ch/En中/ 英


A feature documentary exploring both the terrible tragedy and the human error that led to the death of 300 school children in China’s Sichuan Province. The camera provides eyewitness evidence that school officials “locked” their students in classrooms during a rest period when the powerful earthquake struck. Already condemned by building officials, the school crumbled to the ground with few managing to escape. In the aftermath of this tragedy, parents bury their only children in shallow graves near the school, and search for a way to express their grief and anger over the event. This controversial documentary nakedly pursues the truth about this incident without fear of government censorship.

4/29 (三) Wednesday

台北藝術村 台北市北平東路7號
Taipei Artist Village, 7 Beiping E. Rd, Taipei 地圖 Map


Whitey Strikes Back

誰說老外來台灣只會教英文?薪水高休閒時間多的老外們也會拍些很棒的片子! 「玻璃箱」遠赴高雄與檳榔西施對話、「Year of the Cock」帶你體驗衝浪的刺激樂趣、「Santa’s Shitty Night」滑稽逗趣讓你笑開懷、「Have a Seat Please」和椅子一起動起來、還有「Chick-A-Wah」裡的變態玩偶!之外還有兩部本土作,衝浪紀錄片「浪人」,以及深入抓娃娃機器的神奇次文化的「Please Insert Coin」。

Who says foreigners just teach English? High salaries and ample leisure also leave time for filmmaking. Here, Matt Finlin delivers his paean to the betel nut girl, “The Glass Box.” There is hyperactive surf editing from Jason Sedor and a hilarious all-night bender by Shawn McClelland in “Santa’s Shitty Night.” But the program is not totally restricted to the confines of the Shida White Ghetto. There’s also Urs P. Twellmann’s animation from Switzerland and Jaco Yu’s poetic surf film “Wave Man.” And “Please Insert Coin” is a fantastic doc that goes deeper into the subculture of Dream Catcher players than we ever thought possible.

Making Me
Sarah Breidenbach/ 2008/ Taiwan/ 30sec/ no dialogue 無對話
The Glass Box 玻璃箱
Matt Finlin/ 2008/ Taiwan/ 33min/ Ch/En 中/英
Have a Seat Please
Urs P. Twellman/ 5min/ Switzerland/ no dialogue無對話
Norman Szabo/ 2008/ Taiwan/ 2min/ no dialogue無對話
Please Insert Coin
Wang Cheng 王政一/ 2007/ Taiwan/ 13min/ Ch/En 中/英
Vainly 心中的那片森林
Tsai Chia-en 蔡家恩/ 2008/ Taiwan/ 4min/ Ch 中
Santa’s Shitty Night
Shawn McClelland/ 2009/ Taiwan/ 11min/ En/Ch英/中
Year of the Cock
Jason Sedor/ 2008/ Taiwan/ 6min/ En/Ch 英/中
Wave Man 浪人
Jaco Yu 于永傑/ 2005-2009/ Taiwan/ 8min/ Ch/En 中/英


Hans Fjellestad/ 2004/ US/ 70min/ En/Ch 英/中
「Moog」是一部2004年發行的紀錄片,紀錄的對象是經典合成器Moog的發明人──Robert Moog。全片以訪談為主,穿插Moog樂器的表演或使用Moog配樂的廣告片段等資料影片。訪談內容真摯動人,由Moog本人講述當年發明這項電子樂器的來龍去脈,產品出現後對音樂界甚至整個文化層面的影響,佐以珍貴影片讓觀眾不只想像,而是實際看見Moog的力量。此片受訪問地樂手包含Keith Emerson、Rick Wakeman、多年合作Beastie Boys的Mix Master Mike、DJ Spooky等各時代的高手,配樂包含Stereolab、The Album Leaf、Bernie Worrel & Bootsy Collins、Tortoise等團的原創作。

導演Hans Fjellestad是音樂科班出身,活躍於洛杉磯前衛音樂界。Moog是他繼Frontier Life之後的第二部紀錄片。 - 李佳純

This feature documentary film traces the life of Bob Moog (1934-2005) who invented the modern day synthesizer and was a pivotal figure in the history of electronic music, shaping musical styles ranging from Funk to New Wave to Techno. Moog’s story is told here by following he talks with and watches performances by a slew of legendary musicians, including Keith Emerson, Rick Wakeman, Bernie Worrell, Money Mark, DJ Spooky and Mix Master Mike (Beastie Boys). Early on, Moog was captivated by electronic sounds and spent much of his life building synthesizers. The first models were as big as telephone switchboards and required hours of set up. The original soundtrack features Moog music by Stereolab, The Album Leaf, Bernie Worrel & Bootsy Collins, Tortoise and many others.

Moog documentary web site / 官方網站

Bob Moog (1934-2005)

Moog All-star jam at Moog Fest, San Francisco

4/30 (四) Thursday

台北藝術村 台北市北平東路7號
Taipei Artist Village, 7 Beiping E. Rd, Taipei 地圖 Map


虛構的那種怪味 Strange as Fiction
「百獄」的故事處於一個未來的高雄,就是那種世界末日之後的場景。其實,跟現在的高雄差沒有很多,有一點可怕...更真實的是「拐彎的夏天」,故事中的幾位青年朋友混到棒球場,吸K他命,被警察發現而抓了,可是警察也是青 年之一的老爸。
Yup, head straight into weirdness, this program is all about the dark side. In some films the action is figurative, as in “Nirvana,” where Kaohsiung is turned into a post-apocalyptic city of ghosts. (Talk about hitting the nail on the head!) But there’s also realism. In “The Twisted Summer,” we get a kid who snorts too much ketamine and gets caught by his dad, who’s a cop.

Nirvana 百獄
Yo Jhi-hang 游智涵/ 2008/ Taiwan/ 25min/ Ch/En 中/英
Kuro Underworld 勇健無現實所
Val Lee 李靜怡/ 2008/ Taiwan/ 2min/ Spanish/Ch 西班牙/ 中
Lemon Tree 檸檬樹
Lin Wei-da 林韋達/ Taiwan/ 3min/ Ch/En 中/英
Switch 第二人生
Yu Cheng-yu 游正裕/ 2008/ Taiwan/ 4min/ Ch/En 中/英
Brad Hoffarth, Kyle Maki/ 2008/ US/ 9min/ En/Ch 英/中
The Twisted Summer 拐彎的夏天
Chan Yi-Ching 詹依靜/ 2009/ Taiwan/ 15min/ Ch/En 中/英
Andreas Richert/ 2009/ Germany, Switzerland/ 3min/ no dialogue 無對話
A-li 阿力/ 2008/ Taiwan/ 1min/ no dialogue 無對話
Rat 鼠
Lau Kek-huat 廖克發/ 2008/ Taiwan, Malaysia/ 16min/ Ch/En 中/英


In Focus: Second Life

Ilya Lee of the Social Brain Foundation will introduce this program.

《第二人生》(Second Life)是一款多媒體、即時互動的虛擬世界(virtual world)線上遊戲。這個遊戲沒有打怪、練功、奪寶、關卡,也沒有人來替你設定任務與難易度。當林登實驗室設定規則後,所有你所看見的事物都是使用者自己創造的內容(UGC, User Generated Content)。從自己的身份、身體到設計一個小世界,通通都是自我心境的創造與展現,以及其他心靈的共鳴與迴響。它像是從真實世界走回到自己內心的一個內在之旅:等到你開始覺得無聊的時候,你的旅程正要開始。這個節目總有兩部紀錄片,《第二個我》描述一位德國男士的線上與線下的生活,作為第二人生與第一人生的對比。 2007年在美國Cinemax播放過的《Molotov Alva》則以新的攝影軟體,是完全在第二人生的虛擬世界裡拍的,記錄一位男士脫離人生世界而深入去探索第二人生的各種可能性。

Second Life is a 3D virtual world created in 2003. It now has more than 13 million users globally, up to 60,000 of which can be logged in at any one time. Many believe that Second Life represents an intensification of the way we interact with virtual space. The two documentaries here show Second Life from two different angles. “Second Me” follows Second Life user Bendix. In Real Life (RL), he is an unemployed, single, chainsmoking German man who hardly leaves his apartment. In Second Life (SL), he leads a wild life with beautiful women in a virtual art scene. “Molotov Alva and his Search for the Creator: A Second Life Odyssey” is a groundbreaking work by US director Douglas Gayeton that aired in part on Cinemax in the US in 2007. Having worked with the likes of William Gibson in applying new technologies to storytelling, Gayeton here chose to “film” completely within Second Life, using software that records action in the 3D world. The story consists of the video diaries of Molotov Alva, who has left Real Life behind to embark on a SL quest for higher meaning.

Second Me 第二個我
Anna Thommen/ 2008/ Switzerland/ 18min/ Ger/En/Ch英/中
Molotov Alva and his Search for the Creator: A Second Life Odyssey
Douglas Gayeton/ 2007/ US/ 52min/ En/Ch英/中

5/1 (五) Friday 7:30

台北藝術村+ 台北市北平東路5號
TAV +, 5 Beiping E. Rd, Taipei 地圖 / Map

凝結狀態-The State of Freezing
節目策劃:吳俊輝 Program by Tony Chun-Hui Wu

陳欣緯 Chen HsinWei/ 2007/ Taiwan/ 4min
江淑婷 Chiang Shu-Ting/ 2008 / Taiwan/ 18min
【遷境I】Passing I
區秀詒 Au Sow-yee/ 2008/ Malaysia/ 7 min
【Have a Nice Dream】
潘怡潔Pan, I-chieh/ 2009/ Taiwan/ 2:40min
【清相蜜掬】Qing Xiang Mi Ju
蔡弦剛 Tsai Hsuan-kang/ 2008 / Taiwan/ 12min
【阿嬤】My Grandma
蘇明彥 Su Ming-yan/ 2007/ Taiwan/ 5min
【親愛的_,讓我們參與一場盛宴吧】Dear, friend
宋微暄Sung Wei-hsuan/ 2009 / Taiwan/ 3min
【斷章】Looking at HE
鮑孟德 Bao Meng-de/ 2008/ Taiwan/ 4min
【nocho ice】
李俊宏 Li Jun Hong/ 2008/ Taiwan/ 5min
【The Film, My World】
吳昱錡 Wu Yu-chi/ 2009/ Taiwan/ 2:40min


Survival Song 小李子
Yu Guangyi 于廣義/ 2008/ China / 90min/ Ch/En 中/英


This naturalistic feature length documentary beautifully chronicles the strangeness of life on the margins of the world’s most populous country. A couple in a remote shack take in a wandering herdsman and prepare to survive a yet another brutal winter in China’s northeastern hinterland. They live by poaching animals and through everyday kindness and hard work. Mid-winter, the roof of their cottage is torn off by the government, which plans to flood the land to create a reservoir. The film highlights the plight of millions of Chinese who undergo “forced migrations” and paints a stoic picture of human endurance.

5/2 (六) Saturday

台北藝術村+ 台北市北平東路5號
TAV +, 5 Beiping E. Rd, Taipei 地圖 / Map
門票:$350 或预售票加$100
Ticket: $350 or advance ticket + $100

NEW!!: 凱比鳥 (KbN) + Boyz and Girl


Sonic Youth: Sleeping Nights Awake
Micheal Albright & Project Moonshine/ 2008/ US/ 84 minutes/ En/Ch 英/中

即使他們已經是一支經典級的傳奇樂隊,但Sonic Youth還是可能讓人誤 以為一支是三十年前紐約下城的地下噪音樂隊:他們依然激進並對時代不滿,依然一直探索音樂與聲響的界線,依然具有反明星的不做作姿態。

而在這部迷人的黑白電影中,你看到、聽到上述一切:他們在舞台上現場演奏的迷幻爆音,以及他們在舞台下的親切自然。而你絕對不會想到,這部片是由幾個高中生一起拍的-----當然經過高手的帶領。但也 許正是因為遭遇這些年輕熱情的搖滾青年,Sonic Youth更能表現出他 們純粹的生命力。 - 張鐵志

An intimate, black and white portrait of Sonic Youth shot by seven high school students who wandered are given all access to roam around backstage and onstage during a concert in Reno, Nevada. Their cameras reveal a strikingly honest account of underground music superstar couple, Thurston Moore and Kim Gordon. Produced by Project Moonshine, a non-profit organization to teach filmmaking skills to students in the hopes they will document events in their communities, the film succeeds through its candor and honesty, peering into the minds of this band that has spent more than two decades on the road. And then there is the music, ten gorgeous songs, filmed from multiple angles and expertly woven together.

5/3 (日) Sunday 2pm

台北藝術村 台北市北平東路7號
Taipei Artist Village, 7 Beiping E. Rd, Taipei 地圖 Map


Chris Martinez/ 2008/ Philippines/ min/ Tagalog + En/ En/Ch 菲律宾语 +英/ 英 + 中

100 chronicles the last three months of a cancer stricken woman who has a list of things to do before she dies. Her list of tasks, mostly closures and practical undertakings, expands to the worldly and the spiritual as people close to her share her last days. The film examines the betrayal of the body, celebrates the senses and contemplates the end of life and how to live it. A light-hearted, briskly paced, youthful take on a classic subject, 100 took home the most number of awards from 2008 Cinemalaya Independent Film Festival including Best Director, Best Screenplay and Best Actress. It also won the Audience Choice Award at the 2008 Pusan International Film Festival.

5/2 (六) 2:30pm

南海藝廊 台北市重慶南路2段19巷3號 
Nanhai Gallery Chongqing S Rd, Sec 2, Lane 19, #3
Tel:(02) 2392-5080    Map / 地圖

Hans Fjellestad/ 2004/ US/ 70min/ En/Ch 英/中

《愛噪音》Love Noise
劉峰 Hammer Liu / 2008 / China/ 73min/ Ch 中


A documentary on two cutting edge Chinese rock bands, PK14 and Queen Sea Big Shark, covering 5768 km on a tour of China. PK14 is a punk band steeped in philosophy and poetic reference. Queen Sea Big Shark (which played at Hohaiyan last year) is hot-blooded and ready to get wild. They are two poles of China’s emerging scene.

5/3 (日) 2pm

南海藝廊 台北市重慶南路2段19巷3號 
Nanhai Gallery Chongqing S Rd, Sec 2, Lane 19, #3
Tel:(02) 2392-5080 Map / 地圖

[後浪蒐羅] 海峽私通系
丁正 Ding Zheng/ China/ 14分鐘/ Ch 中

《草芥》 Weeds
王笠人 Wang Liren/ China/ 120min/ Ch 中
**映後座談:Meta +導演跨海網路線上問答 on line Q&A


《鯨豚》vs《城市遊牧》Wholphin vs. Urban Nomad
電影介紹 : 見4月25日節目 (120min/ Ch/En 中/英)
朱鷹文 Zhu Yingwen/ China/ 41min/ Ch 中

5/8 (五) 7:30pm

南海藝廊 台北市重慶南路2段19巷3號 
Nanhai Gallery Chongqing S Rd, Sec 2, Lane 19, #3
Tel:(02) 2392-5080   Map / 地圖

Sonic Youth: Sleeping Nights Awake 音速青春
Micheal Albright & Project Moonshine/ 2008/ US/ 84 minutes/ En/Ch 英/中
電影介紹 : 見5月2日節目

5/9 (六) 3pm

南海藝廊 台北市重慶南路2段19巷3號 
Nanhai Gallery Chongqing S Rd, Sec 2, Lane 19, #3
Tel:(02) 2392-5080 Map / 地圖

焦點: 第二人生
Second Me 第二個我
Anna Thommen/ 2008/ Switzerland/ 18min/ Ger/En/Ch英/中
Molotov Alva and his Search for the Creator: A Second Life Odyssey
Douglas Gayeton/ 2007/ US/ 52min/ En/Ch英/中
電影介紹 : 見4月30日節目

[後浪蒐羅] 海峽私通系
《垂直牧場》Vertical Farm
陳星海 Chen Xinghai/ China/ 50min/ Tibetan/Ch 藏語/中
一部讓人去感受的紀錄片,影片將帶你走進神秘的香格里拉,這片世界上唯一的淨土。去體味圖博 (西藏) 當地普通農民一年放牧的生活,牧民們走過原始森林,翻過雪上,來到水草豐盛的垂直牧場。影片在如詩如畫的美景中,記錄了當地牧民遊牧的生活。
A documentary on nomads in Tibet living a pastoral, poetic existence.

台北電擊女孩 Taipei Electroshock Girls
Val Lee 李靜怡/ 2008/ Taiwan/ 3min
寶島少年傻大盜 Silly Matsusei Riders
Val Lee 李靜怡/ 2008/ Taiwan/ 19min
**映後座談:李靜怡 Hikky

5/9(六) 6:30pm

南海閉幕 免費

Closing Party FREE

南海藝廊 台北市重慶南路2段19巷3號 
Nanhai Gallery Chongqing S Rd, Sec 2, Lane 19, #3
Tel:(02) 2392-5080   Map / 地圖


Come help us eat some sausage and drink the rest of the beer! With free live music!

7pm Clair 克萊兒樂團
8pm 保坂明美 Akemi Hosaka
9 pm DJ:SPENCER (素人DJ龍頭)

Thursday, April 02, 2009




This year, Urban Nomad Film Fest introduces a “Second Screen” for video art, experimental films, animation and other visual wonders. Each program will run for an entire night.

單元一 : 在縫隙間穿行 

時間 / Time: 4/24 & 4/30


【小黃與我】Xiao-huang with Me
蔡弦剛Tsai Hsuan-kang/2007/Taiwan /7min
【我殺死了飛機】I Killed the Plane
王思閔 Cute Wong/2008/Taiwan /3min
【給Jack的一封信】A Letter for Jack
黃惠瑩/2008/Taiwan /3min
【A Mirror Image】
謝孟儒 Alex/2007/Taiwan /3min
陳晉 Chen Jin/2008/China/4:30min
【城市游移-街/幻影/家】City Series - Street/Illusion/Home
張佳琪 Charlie Chang/2009/Taiwan /9min
【光榮的夢】Glorious Dream
趙中慧 Doll Chao/2009/Taiwan /5:30min
【Sleeping and Dreaming of Food】
Eva-Marie Elg/2008/UK/7:30min
【Calabi Yau】
Alexander Binder/2008/Germany/3min
【Meta Vision】
陳欣緯 Chen HsinWei/2007/ Taiwan/4min
【Robot Love】
suzie silver/2008/USA/4min
徐聖羲 + 張卡仔 Zephec Hsu + VJ Aka/2008/Taiwan/1min
【Spiderman Paratoon】
Mia Chen/2008/Taiwan/3min

單元二: 瑞士 

時間 / Time: 4/26

Kunstmarktbasel (Kmb) 是一個2006年成立於瑞士巴塞爾的藝術團隊(Kunst =藝術, markt =市場, Basel =巴塞爾),成員數目因應每次的計劃而變動,他們一方面進行著團隊的合作項目開發,個人也持續自己的創作,涵蓋範圍包括繪畫、文物、文字、照片、電影、音樂。此單元將展演Kmb團隊所創作的短篇影像,內有動畫、錄像以及實驗影片,瞬間鎮攝神經。

Kunstmarktbasel (Kmb) is a group of artists, founded in 2006 by Daniel Staudenmann in Basel, Switzerland. The personal composition and number of the members change from project to project. On the one hand we develop projects together, on the other hand we are present individual works. Works are realized in different media: paintings, objects, installations, texts, photos, films, performances, music. The films of Kunstmarktbasel are stylistically and technically very different one from each other: digital or digitally edited analogue material; filmed with a camera or computer-generated; edited films from multimedia- based installations; documentary, poetic, abstract etc. Vital topics addressed include the relationship between art and economy, language and society, and a target-oriented fatalism against all adversities – (n)utopia. (Urs P. Twellmann is Swiss and included in this program, but he is not a Kmb member.)

Filmer Jeltsch/2009/switzerland/3min
【Jellyfish Vamation】
Daniel Staudenmann/2008/switzerland/3min
【Remember Me】
Sauja Lukanovic/2007/switzerland/2:30min
【Description of a Landescape at a Giren Point】
Jan Van Oordt/2007/switzerland/4min
Andreas Hottinger/2008/switzerland/3min
Chris Sigdell/2009/switzerland/6min
【Have a Seat Please】

單元三: 望遠漂浮

時間 / Time: 4/28


Experimental films from France, the UK and Taiwan.

Nicolas Sauret + Ashley Wong/2008/UK/23min
Charles Gallois/2009/france/11:30min
林家進Lin Chia Chin/2008/Taiwan/5:30min
【Paris Banlieu】
陳威廷 Chin Wei Ting/2008/荷蘭/10min
【小學生】When I was a Child
羅喬綾 Lo Chiao Ling/2008/Taiwan/6min

單元四: 行為表彰與幻象

時間 / Time: 4/29


Video art and video-based performance art.

陳宗杰 Jay/2008/Taiwan/13min
鄭惠璞, 陳宛萱 Dolcevita Zheng, Rita Chen/2008/Taiwan/15min
【口味】Leaning into Taste
蔡宗翰 Tsai Tsung Han/2008/Taiwan/11:30min
策展人 Curators:趙小朵(Doll Chao) 與 David Frazier