Wednesday, October 06, 2010

導演講座 / 緬甸人權

***即時公告 | RAIN UPDATE***
因天候因素,10月23日的〈血淚石油〉影片放映與10月24日的導演座談會時間地點都改為10月24日下午3-6點在台北國際藝術村。請特別注意,這周在寶藏嚴的活動都取消了,不要白跑一趟喔!! 新的時間與地點如下:

Due to the typhoon, the 10/23 screening of TOTAL DENIAL and 10/24 director talk will changed to a new time and venue and combined to a single event. Please do NOT go to Treasure Hill, as all events there are canceled. The new info is as follows:

新時間 /TIME: 10/24 (日/Sun)
新地點 / PLACE: 台北國際藝術村幽竹廳(台北市北平東路7號)
Taipei Artist Village #7, Beiping E. Rd., Taipei
Milena Kaneva director forum 導演座談會
4:15pm 影片放映:卜樺 +《血淚石油》隨後 Milena Kaneva 導演問答
Film screenings, followed by director Q&A
地圖 / MAP

導演講座 / 緬甸人權

Discussion Forum: Filmmaking and Human Rights in Burma

As an independent filmmaker and freelance journalist, Milena Kaneva has reported from Africa, Asia, and South America, reporting for World Wide Television News, RAI (Italy), PBS and National Geographic Television, among others. Her reports on the Dalai Lama from India and her interview with the Nobel Prize laureate for Peace, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, kept under house arrest by the Burmese military junta for the last fifteen years, were broadcast around the world. Here she will discuss her experiences in Burma with members of the Taiwan chapter of the Free Burma Network, including Tony Yang and Bai Yi-jun.

米莉娜˙卡妮瓦 (Milena Kaneva) 是一名特約記者,也是一位獨立紀錄片的導演,她多年來報導政治與人權的新聞,曾播出於美國公共電視 (PBS)、國家地理頻道 (National Geographic Television)、義大利國家電視台 Rai 等媒體,也曾前往印度拍攝達賴喇嘛的專題報導,她訪問過緬甸異議人士翁山蘇姬,並向全世界播送。2006年她完成《血淚石油》之後,仍繼續以影片紀錄緬甸人權危機。在本次的座談會中,Milena Kaneva 將分享她在緬甸拍片的經驗,台灣緬甸自由網絡的成員、環境法律人協會以及具緬甸難民實務服務經驗的白宜君,將一同討論如何協助改善緬甸當前的種種困境與危機。