Wednesday, October 06, 2010

《混製宣言》RiP! A Remix Manifesto

時: 11/14 (日/Sun) 7:30pm
地: 寶藏巖 台北市汀州路3段230巷
TREASURE HILL: Dingzhou Rd, Sec. 3, Lane 230 (go to the end)
費: 免費
地圖 / MAP

片子: Diplo, CSS (12分鐘)

今晚的主題是Remix,我們將從創想計畫中的兩位藝術家把氣氛帶到最高點! 分別是廣受大家歡迎的美國DJ Diplo以及曾經要來台的巴西俏妞CSS的影片,相信這一晚大家會High翻天! 一起與我們狂歡吧~~~

Tonight’s theme is remix, so we’re warming up with two artists from the Creators Project stable that have embraced the Internet in a big way, the American DJ Diplo, and the Brazilian dance-rock band CSS.

《混製宣言》RiP! A Remix Manifesto
Brett Gaylor/Canada/2009/80min / En/Ch (英/中)

《混製宣言》是一部關於版權和混製文化的紀錄片。網路行動者及導演布雷特 ˙蓋勒在訊息時代探討版權問題,顛覆二十世纪媒體傳統形象,且打破大眾和媒體人的隔閡。電影主角Girl Talk為一名混製音樂創作者,他放歌的時候,連 Paris Hilton 上台跳舞 ,但他到底是草根力量楷模還是侵權行為引領者呢?從 Mickey Mouse 到 Metallica, 來看版權的影響力跨到我們所有的文化生產,也來聽如何 Muddy Waters 的音樂變成 Rolling Stones 的歌,再來透過 The Verve 的詮釋改成另外一個東西,最後出現在 Nike 的廣告的時候,也變成訴訟的主題。知識共享創始人勞倫斯˙萊斯格、巴西文化部長吉爾伯托˙吉爾、大眾文化批評家科利˙多克托羅一同探討此問題。

RiP: A remix Manifesto is a documentary film about copyright and remix culture. It starts off by following the mash-up artist Girl Talk, who’s topping the charts (and even meeting Paris Hilton) with his sample-based songs. But is Girl Talk about people power or piracy? Creative Commons founder, Lawrence Lessing, Brazil's Minister of Culture Gilberto Gil and pop culture critic Cory Doctorow all add perspective on how copyright has comes to affect everything from Mickey Mouse to Metallica. Follow songs from Muddy Waters to the Rolling Stones to the Verve and finally Nike commercials, and witness the ridiculous and era-defining lawsuits that ensue. If you listen to music regularly – any music! - this film is for you.