CONCEPT: Because Treasure Hill is located along one of Taipei’s busiest bicycle paths, we’ve decided to create a new type of Drive-in Theater, and we’re inviting all of Taipei to drive in on their bicycles and watch some films with us. We’ll be showing one film a week for about six weeks in October and November. Aside from a special surprise we have prepared for Halloween, these films will be documentaries we’ve chosen because they’re both entertaining and tell us important things about the world around us. In recent decades, the world has been changing incredibly fast, and documentaries not only capture these changes most directly, they also reflect more basic changes, because they represent a democratization of the filmmaking process. Different groups of people are now more able to make films than ever before, especially women, activist groups, subculture groups and members of the developing world. As a result, views of “the world” are changing, and through documentary film we are seeing a richer and more diverse landscape of events. These events can be geopolitical news events, virtual events that take place through the media, or the grass-roots cultural developments. What they have in common, and what documentary captures best, is how these are all also human events, involving real people living real lives. All films will be free to the public, and we will invite some directors for audience Q&A sessions, workshops and screenings.
First off, we recommend plastic wine glasses, because they will not break and certainly look better than paper cups. But seriously, these screenings will be outdoors and seating will consist of a lovely grassy park, so we recommend you prepare yourself just a bit. Good things to bring include: blankets and mats to sit on, camping chairs, mosquito repellent, a lunchbox from your favorite restaurant, proper clothing, and anything else you think you will need. Some beverages will be available.
Friday, October 08, 2010
概念:寶藏巖位於台北市最重要自行車道途中,因此城市遊牧影展決定創造一種新式電影院。舊式汽車電影院幾乎看不見了,所以我們要往前看,來做個 「自行車電影院」,邀請台北市民踏過自行車道跟我們一起欣賞電影與寶藏巖的獨特美麗夜景。
概念:寶藏巖位於台北市最重要自行車道途中,因此城市遊牧影展決定創造一種新式電影院。舊式汽車電影院幾乎看不見了,所以我們要往前看,來做個 「自行車電影院」,邀請台北市民踏過自行車道跟我們一起欣賞電影與寶藏巖的獨特美麗夜景。
Wednesday, October 06, 2010
《血淚石油》Total Denial
***即時公告 | RAIN UPDATE***
因天候因素,10月23日的〈血淚石油〉影片放映與10月24日的導演座談會時間地點都改為10月24日下午3-6點在台北國際藝術村。請特別注意,這周在寶藏嚴的活動都取消了,不要白跑一趟喔!! 新的時間與地點如下:
Due to the typhoon, the 10/23 screening of TOTAL DENIAL and 10/24 director talk will changed to a new time and venue and combined to a single event. Please do NOT go to Treasure Hill, as all events there are canceled. The new info is as follows:
新時間 /TIME: 10/24 (日/Sun)
新地點 / PLACE: 台北國際藝術村幽竹廳(台北市北平東路7號)
Taipei Artist Village #7, Beiping E. Rd., Taipei
3-4pm Milena Kaneva director forum 導演座談會
4:15pm 影片放映:卜樺 +《血淚石油》隨後 Milena Kaneva 導演問答
Film screenings, followed by director Q&A
地圖 / MAP

短片 Shorts:卜樺的數位短片 Short films by Bu Hua
中國 /2007-2010/ 12分鐘 / 無對話
卜樺是中國的Flash動畫藝術家,並曾參與重要展覽包括:上海雙年展、釜山雙年展以及各個影展(例如自2007年起參加遊牧影展!)。在卜樺許多的短片作品中總有會出現一個穿著學校制服的小女孩不斷探索著一個虛擬世界,並觀察虛擬世界中混雜的流行文化及充斥全球政治、環境惡化、工業社會疏離的黑暗現實。此次放映配合台北兩個畫廊單位Chi-Wen Gallery及就在藝術空間同步展出卜樺個展。放映的卜樺數位短片內容則包括:卜樺2010年的最新作品 -- LV森林、中國搖滾傳奇歌手左小詛咒 2010年的MV,以及深受大家喜愛的卜樺2007年的作品 -- 野蠻叢生。
Bu Hua is a Chinese artist and animator working in Flash animation, whose works have appeared in major art exhibitions like the Shanghai Biennial and Busan Biennial, and also film festivals (like Urban Nomad since 2007!). Many of her short films feature the character of a little school girl, who explores a surreal world that mixes pop culture with the dark realities of global politics, environmental degradation, and the alienation of an industrial society. This screening is held in coordination with two local art galleries now showing her works, Chi Wen Gallery and Project Fulfill Art Space. The short films include her newest work, LV Forest (2010), a music video for the Chinese rock legend Zuoxiao Zuzhou (2010), and one of our favorites, Savage Growth (2007).

《血淚石油》Total Denial
Milena Kaneva/ Bulgaria/ US / 2006 / 92min / Eng/Ch (英/中)
** 放映後導演座談 film followed by director talk
在緬甸,加州聯合石油公司和法國道達爾石油公司為保護該公司的油管工程,僱用緬甸軍政府的軍隊,在油管區進行非人道行為:武力脅迫、施虐及強暴當地居民。 緬甸人權民運人士卡索瓦Ka Hsaw Wa多次進出該地區,冒著生命危險,紀錄遭到政府加害的人民慘況和種族屠殺現場。他拍攝的影片間接促成美國史上第一起跨國控告人權侵害的訴訟案,這起官司 纏訟將近十年後,卡索瓦以及他的族人們終於獲得平反。
This documentary investigates the human rights abuses associated with the construction of an oil pipeline in Burma funded by western oil companies, UNOCAL and TOTAL. It is also the story of the one-man mission of Burmese activist Ka Hsaw Wa, a former jungle warrior wanted by authorities both in Myanmar and Thailand. Ka risks his life in video-taped border crossings to document burned out villages and scenes of genocide, all funded by US oil companies and executed by the Myanmar’s junta government. His footage and reports result in a landmark court case in the US. It is the first time foreign nationals bring a class action lawsuit against US companies – and win!
10/24 (日/Sun) 3pm
導演講座 / 緬甸人權
Discussion Forum: Filmmaking and Human Rights in Burma
As an independent filmmaker and freelance journalist, Milena Kaneva has reported from Africa, Asia, and South America, reporting for World Wide Television News, RAI (Italy), PBS and National Geographic Television, among others. Her reports on the Dalai Lama from India and her interview with the Nobel Prize laureate for Peace, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, kept under house arrest by the Burmese military junta for the last fifteen years, were broadcast around the world. Here she will discuss her experiences in Burma with members of the Taiwan chapter of the Free Burma Network, including Tony Yang and Bai Yi-jun.
米莉娜˙卡妮瓦 (Milena Kaneva) 是一名特約記者,也是一位獨立紀錄片的導演,她多年來報導政治與人權的新聞,曾播出於美國公共電視 (PBS)、國家地理頻道 (National Geographic Television)、義大利國家電視台 Rai 等媒體,也曾前往印度拍攝達賴喇嘛的專題報導,她訪問過緬甸異議人士翁山蘇姬,並向全世界播送。2006年她完成《血淚石油》之後,仍繼續以影片紀錄緬甸 人權危機。在本次的座談會中,Milena Kaneva 將分享她在緬甸拍片的經驗,台灣緬甸自由網絡的成員、環境法律人協會以及具緬甸難民實務服務經驗的白宜君,將一同討論如何協助改善緬甸當前的種種困境與危 機。
因天候因素,10月23日的〈血淚石油〉影片放映與10月24日的導演座談會時間地點都改為10月24日下午3-6點在台北國際藝術村。請特別注意,這周在寶藏嚴的活動都取消了,不要白跑一趟喔!! 新的時間與地點如下:
Due to the typhoon, the 10/23 screening of TOTAL DENIAL and 10/24 director talk will changed to a new time and venue and combined to a single event. Please do NOT go to Treasure Hill, as all events there are canceled. The new info is as follows:
新時間 /TIME: 10/24 (日/Sun)
新地點 / PLACE: 台北國際藝術村幽竹廳(台北市北平東路7號)
Taipei Artist Village #7, Beiping E. Rd., Taipei
3-4pm Milena Kaneva director forum 導演座談會
4:15pm 影片放映:卜樺 +《血淚石油》隨後 Milena Kaneva 導演問答
Film screenings, followed by director Q&A
地圖 / MAP

短片 Shorts:卜樺的數位短片 Short films by Bu Hua
中國 /2007-2010/ 12分鐘 / 無對話
卜樺是中國的Flash動畫藝術家,並曾參與重要展覽包括:上海雙年展、釜山雙年展以及各個影展(例如自2007年起參加遊牧影展!)。在卜樺許多的短片作品中總有會出現一個穿著學校制服的小女孩不斷探索著一個虛擬世界,並觀察虛擬世界中混雜的流行文化及充斥全球政治、環境惡化、工業社會疏離的黑暗現實。此次放映配合台北兩個畫廊單位Chi-Wen Gallery及就在藝術空間同步展出卜樺個展。放映的卜樺數位短片內容則包括:卜樺2010年的最新作品 -- LV森林、中國搖滾傳奇歌手左小詛咒 2010年的MV,以及深受大家喜愛的卜樺2007年的作品 -- 野蠻叢生。
Bu Hua is a Chinese artist and animator working in Flash animation, whose works have appeared in major art exhibitions like the Shanghai Biennial and Busan Biennial, and also film festivals (like Urban Nomad since 2007!). Many of her short films feature the character of a little school girl, who explores a surreal world that mixes pop culture with the dark realities of global politics, environmental degradation, and the alienation of an industrial society. This screening is held in coordination with two local art galleries now showing her works, Chi Wen Gallery and Project Fulfill Art Space. The short films include her newest work, LV Forest (2010), a music video for the Chinese rock legend Zuoxiao Zuzhou (2010), and one of our favorites, Savage Growth (2007).

《血淚石油》Total Denial
Milena Kaneva/ Bulgaria/ US / 2006 / 92min / Eng/Ch (英/中)
** 放映後導演座談 film followed by director talk
在緬甸,加州聯合石油公司和法國道達爾石油公司為保護該公司的油管工程,僱用緬甸軍政府的軍隊,在油管區進行非人道行為:武力脅迫、施虐及強暴當地居民。 緬甸人權民運人士卡索瓦Ka Hsaw Wa多次進出該地區,冒著生命危險,紀錄遭到政府加害的人民慘況和種族屠殺現場。他拍攝的影片間接促成美國史上第一起跨國控告人權侵害的訴訟案,這起官司 纏訟將近十年後,卡索瓦以及他的族人們終於獲得平反。
This documentary investigates the human rights abuses associated with the construction of an oil pipeline in Burma funded by western oil companies, UNOCAL and TOTAL. It is also the story of the one-man mission of Burmese activist Ka Hsaw Wa, a former jungle warrior wanted by authorities both in Myanmar and Thailand. Ka risks his life in video-taped border crossings to document burned out villages and scenes of genocide, all funded by US oil companies and executed by the Myanmar’s junta government. His footage and reports result in a landmark court case in the US. It is the first time foreign nationals bring a class action lawsuit against US companies – and win!
10/24 (日/Sun) 3pm
導演講座 / 緬甸人權
Discussion Forum: Filmmaking and Human Rights in Burma
As an independent filmmaker and freelance journalist, Milena Kaneva has reported from Africa, Asia, and South America, reporting for World Wide Television News, RAI (Italy), PBS and National Geographic Television, among others. Her reports on the Dalai Lama from India and her interview with the Nobel Prize laureate for Peace, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, kept under house arrest by the Burmese military junta for the last fifteen years, were broadcast around the world. Here she will discuss her experiences in Burma with members of the Taiwan chapter of the Free Burma Network, including Tony Yang and Bai Yi-jun.
米莉娜˙卡妮瓦 (Milena Kaneva) 是一名特約記者,也是一位獨立紀錄片的導演,她多年來報導政治與人權的新聞,曾播出於美國公共電視 (PBS)、國家地理頻道 (National Geographic Television)、義大利國家電視台 Rai 等媒體,也曾前往印度拍攝達賴喇嘛的專題報導,她訪問過緬甸異議人士翁山蘇姬,並向全世界播送。2006年她完成《血淚石油》之後,仍繼續以影片紀錄緬甸 人權危機。在本次的座談會中,Milena Kaneva 將分享她在緬甸拍片的經驗,台灣緬甸自由網絡的成員、環境法律人協會以及具緬甸難民實務服務經驗的白宜君,將一同討論如何協助改善緬甸當前的種種困境與危 機。
導演講座 / 緬甸人權
***即時公告 | RAIN UPDATE***
因天候因素,10月23日的〈血淚石油〉影片放映與10月24日的導演座談會時間地點都改為10月24日下午3-6點在台北國際藝術村。請特別注意,這周在寶藏嚴的活動都取消了,不要白跑一趟喔!! 新的時間與地點如下:
Due to the typhoon, the 10/23 screening of TOTAL DENIAL and 10/24 director talk will changed to a new time and venue and combined to a single event. Please do NOT go to Treasure Hill, as all events there are canceled. The new info is as follows:
新時間 /TIME: 10/24 (日/Sun)
新地點 / PLACE: 台北國際藝術村幽竹廳(台北市北平東路7號)
Taipei Artist Village #7, Beiping E. Rd., Taipei
3-4pm Milena Kaneva director forum 導演座談會
4:15pm 影片放映:卜樺 +《血淚石油》隨後 Milena Kaneva 導演問答
Film screenings, followed by director Q&A
地圖 / MAP

導演講座 / 緬甸人權
Discussion Forum: Filmmaking and Human Rights in Burma
As an independent filmmaker and freelance journalist, Milena Kaneva has reported from Africa, Asia, and South America, reporting for World Wide Television News, RAI (Italy), PBS and National Geographic Television, among others. Her reports on the Dalai Lama from India and her interview with the Nobel Prize laureate for Peace, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, kept under house arrest by the Burmese military junta for the last fifteen years, were broadcast around the world. Here she will discuss her experiences in Burma with members of the Taiwan chapter of the Free Burma Network, including Tony Yang and Bai Yi-jun.
米莉娜˙卡妮瓦 (Milena Kaneva) 是一名特約記者,也是一位獨立紀錄片的導演,她多年來報導政治與人權的新聞,曾播出於美國公共電視 (PBS)、國家地理頻道 (National Geographic Television)、義大利國家電視台 Rai 等媒體,也曾前往印度拍攝達賴喇嘛的專題報導,她訪問過緬甸異議人士翁山蘇姬,並向全世界播送。2006年她完成《血淚石油》之後,仍繼續以影片紀錄緬甸人權危機。在本次的座談會中,Milena Kaneva 將分享她在緬甸拍片的經驗,台灣緬甸自由網絡的成員、環境法律人協會以及具緬甸難民實務服務經驗的白宜君,將一同討論如何協助改善緬甸當前的種種困境與危機。
因天候因素,10月23日的〈血淚石油〉影片放映與10月24日的導演座談會時間地點都改為10月24日下午3-6點在台北國際藝術村。請特別注意,這周在寶藏嚴的活動都取消了,不要白跑一趟喔!! 新的時間與地點如下:
Due to the typhoon, the 10/23 screening of TOTAL DENIAL and 10/24 director talk will changed to a new time and venue and combined to a single event. Please do NOT go to Treasure Hill, as all events there are canceled. The new info is as follows:
新時間 /TIME: 10/24 (日/Sun)
新地點 / PLACE: 台北國際藝術村幽竹廳(台北市北平東路7號)
Taipei Artist Village #7, Beiping E. Rd., Taipei
3-4pm Milena Kaneva director forum 導演座談會
4:15pm 影片放映:卜樺 +《血淚石油》隨後 Milena Kaneva 導演問答
Film screenings, followed by director Q&A
地圖 / MAP

導演講座 / 緬甸人權
Discussion Forum: Filmmaking and Human Rights in Burma
As an independent filmmaker and freelance journalist, Milena Kaneva has reported from Africa, Asia, and South America, reporting for World Wide Television News, RAI (Italy), PBS and National Geographic Television, among others. Her reports on the Dalai Lama from India and her interview with the Nobel Prize laureate for Peace, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, kept under house arrest by the Burmese military junta for the last fifteen years, were broadcast around the world. Here she will discuss her experiences in Burma with members of the Taiwan chapter of the Free Burma Network, including Tony Yang and Bai Yi-jun.
米莉娜˙卡妮瓦 (Milena Kaneva) 是一名特約記者,也是一位獨立紀錄片的導演,她多年來報導政治與人權的新聞,曾播出於美國公共電視 (PBS)、國家地理頻道 (National Geographic Television)、義大利國家電視台 Rai 等媒體,也曾前往印度拍攝達賴喇嘛的專題報導,她訪問過緬甸異議人士翁山蘇姬,並向全世界播送。2006年她完成《血淚石油》之後,仍繼續以影片紀錄緬甸人權危機。在本次的座談會中,Milena Kaneva 將分享她在緬甸拍片的經驗,台灣緬甸自由網絡的成員、環境法律人協會以及具緬甸難民實務服務經驗的白宜君,將一同討論如何協助改善緬甸當前的種種困境與危機。
《搖滾狂人》Wild Zero
時: 10/31 (日/Sun) 7:30pm (HALLOWEEN!!!!)
地: 寶藏巖 台北市汀州路3段230巷
TREASURE HILL: Dingzhou Rd, Sec. 3, Lane 230 (go to the end)
費: 免費
地圖 / MAP

短片: 濁水溪公社MV回顧
LTK Commune Music Video Retrospective
**Director and Band Members will attend
今年九月,台灣地下樂團”濁水溪公社”成立滿二十周年。為了慶祝這個台灣最棒的搖滾樂團、最佳本土性代言團已經二十歲了,我們即將為大家放送他們的MV,一起親自見證他們這些年來的成長歷程。~~~ P.S. 導演和濁水溪公社將會參與出席這個活動。
The rock band LTK Commune celebrated its 20th anniversary in September, so what better time to look back at their music videos? Trace their bizarre history in these video documents of Taiwan’s greatest rock’n’roll band.

《搖滾狂人》Wild Zero
竹內鐵郎 (Tetsuro Takeuchi)/ Japan / 2000 / 98min / Jp/En/Ch 日/英/中
史上最酷搖滾樂團大戰外星殭屍!武器呢?就是搖滾樂!主唱在屁股口袋的皮夾裡放了什麼?就是搖滾樂職照! 誰是史上最酷搖滾樂團?他們不是演員,而是真的存在的樂隊,是來自日本的 GUITAR WOLF!這部電影的標語是什麼?廢物與災難!為什麼要看這部?因為是萬聖節,而且這部電影酷斃了!電影裡面有日本變態與搖滾怪咖嗎?當然有!還有什麼? 不用問!趕快來寶藏巖看這部電影就對啦!
The coolest rock ‘n roll band in the world fights zombies from outer space! What is their weapon? rakenrol! What does the lead singer carry in the wallet on his ass? A Rock and Roll License? Who plays the part of the coolest band in the world? They are not actors. They are in fact the coolest band in the world: Japan’s Guitar Wolf! What is the tagline of this movie? TRASH AND CHAOSSSS!!! Why are we showing this? It is Haloween and this movie is awesome!! Does this movie also include weird rock ‘n roll coming of age story and lots of perverts? YES! YES! YES! What else do you need to know? Nothing!!! Just get your ass to Treasure Hill and watch this film!

地: 寶藏巖 台北市汀州路3段230巷
TREASURE HILL: Dingzhou Rd, Sec. 3, Lane 230 (go to the end)
費: 免費
地圖 / MAP

短片: 濁水溪公社MV回顧
LTK Commune Music Video Retrospective
**Director and Band Members will attend
今年九月,台灣地下樂團”濁水溪公社”成立滿二十周年。為了慶祝這個台灣最棒的搖滾樂團、最佳本土性代言團已經二十歲了,我們即將為大家放送他們的MV,一起親自見證他們這些年來的成長歷程。~~~ P.S. 導演和濁水溪公社將會參與出席這個活動。
The rock band LTK Commune celebrated its 20th anniversary in September, so what better time to look back at their music videos? Trace their bizarre history in these video documents of Taiwan’s greatest rock’n’roll band.

《搖滾狂人》Wild Zero
竹內鐵郎 (Tetsuro Takeuchi)/ Japan / 2000 / 98min / Jp/En/Ch 日/英/中
史上最酷搖滾樂團大戰外星殭屍!武器呢?就是搖滾樂!主唱在屁股口袋的皮夾裡放了什麼?就是搖滾樂職照! 誰是史上最酷搖滾樂團?他們不是演員,而是真的存在的樂隊,是來自日本的 GUITAR WOLF!這部電影的標語是什麼?廢物與災難!為什麼要看這部?因為是萬聖節,而且這部電影酷斃了!電影裡面有日本變態與搖滾怪咖嗎?當然有!還有什麼? 不用問!趕快來寶藏巖看這部電影就對啦!
The coolest rock ‘n roll band in the world fights zombies from outer space! What is their weapon? rakenrol! What does the lead singer carry in the wallet on his ass? A Rock and Roll License? Who plays the part of the coolest band in the world? They are not actors. They are in fact the coolest band in the world: Japan’s Guitar Wolf! What is the tagline of this movie? TRASH AND CHAOSSSS!!! Why are we showing this? It is Haloween and this movie is awesome!! Does this movie also include weird rock ‘n roll coming of age story and lots of perverts? YES! YES! YES! What else do you need to know? Nothing!!! Just get your ass to Treasure Hill and watch this film!


《 一個好人 》 A Good Man

CHANGE OF SCHEDULE: due to rain, screening rescheduled to 11/20
...........(originally 11/06)
新時間: 11/20 (六/Sat) 7:30pm
地: 寶藏巖 台北市汀州路3段230巷
TREASURE HILL: Dingzhou Rd, Sec. 3, Lane 230 (go to the end)
費: 免費
地圖 / MAP

短片 Shorts: 創想計畫 (一)Creators Project (1)
片子 Films: Peaches, Boys Noize, Peng Lei (17分鐘 )
創想計畫是由各種不同形式的藝術表現方式所結合而成的一個網站平台,不管是音樂、美術、影片、設計、建築或是任何你想的到的表現手法,都在這個網站裏面。當初網站成立時就是為了讓更多人看到這些想法和創意。這個網站的特色在於融合了一些藝術家的創意作品以及他們所製作的簡短紀錄片。而那也就是我們這次設立這些單元的最吸引人的地方。這個單元有前陣子剛來過台灣表演的Peaches(暴力蜜桃)、和十月十日即將來台表演的德國DJ Boys Noize,以及曾來台兩次的中國超新星龐克團---新褲子(New Pants)主唱:彭磊的影像作品,像是MV、視覺藝術……等等。
The Creators Project is an online platform for that has set out to display creativity across all platforms, whether music, arts, video, design, architecture or you name it. It features both the creative works of its artists as well as short documentaries on them that it produced, and that’s what we’re featuring here: short docs on the music and performance of Peaches, the German DJ Boys Noize, and the Chinese musician and filmmaker Peng Lei. The Creators Project is created by Intel and Vice Magazine. These Chinese-subtitled screenings come courtesy of their China partner,

《 一個好人 》 A Good Man
Safina Uberoi/Australia/2009/80min /En/Ch (英/中)
Seldom have we ever seen a documentary that was both so funny and so touching. Chris Rohrlach seems like an ordinary Australian bloke from the country, but he has an extraordinary story: fourteen years ago, his pregnant girlfriend Rachel had a massive stroke that left her incurably quadriplegic. Undeterred, the couple were married shortly after their son was born. Years on, with another baby on the way this inspiring couple decided they needed a second income. The solution? Open a brothel in their conservative country town. Filmmaker Safina Uberoi directs a compelling and sensitive film about love, commitment and resilience.
《混製宣言》RiP! A Remix Manifesto
時: 11/14 (日/Sun) 7:30pm
地: 寶藏巖 台北市汀州路3段230巷
TREASURE HILL: Dingzhou Rd, Sec. 3, Lane 230 (go to the end)
費: 免費
地圖 / MAP

片子: Diplo, CSS (12分鐘)
今晚的主題是Remix,我們將從創想計畫中的兩位藝術家把氣氛帶到最高點! 分別是廣受大家歡迎的美國DJ Diplo以及曾經要來台的巴西俏妞CSS的影片,相信這一晚大家會High翻天! 一起與我們狂歡吧~~~
Tonight’s theme is remix, so we’re warming up with two artists from the Creators Project stable that have embraced the Internet in a big way, the American DJ Diplo, and the Brazilian dance-rock band CSS.

《混製宣言》RiP! A Remix Manifesto
Brett Gaylor/Canada/2009/80min / En/Ch (英/中)
《混製宣言》是一部關於版權和混製文化的紀錄片。網路行動者及導演布雷特 ˙蓋勒在訊息時代探討版權問題,顛覆二十世纪媒體傳統形象,且打破大眾和媒體人的隔閡。電影主角Girl Talk為一名混製音樂創作者,他放歌的時候,連 Paris Hilton 上台跳舞 ,但他到底是草根力量楷模還是侵權行為引領者呢?從 Mickey Mouse 到 Metallica, 來看版權的影響力跨到我們所有的文化生產,也來聽如何 Muddy Waters 的音樂變成 Rolling Stones 的歌,再來透過 The Verve 的詮釋改成另外一個東西,最後出現在 Nike 的廣告的時候,也變成訴訟的主題。知識共享創始人勞倫斯˙萊斯格、巴西文化部長吉爾伯托˙吉爾、大眾文化批評家科利˙多克托羅一同探討此問題。
RiP: A remix Manifesto is a documentary film about copyright and remix culture. It starts off by following the mash-up artist Girl Talk, who’s topping the charts (and even meeting Paris Hilton) with his sample-based songs. But is Girl Talk about people power or piracy? Creative Commons founder, Lawrence Lessing, Brazil's Minister of Culture Gilberto Gil and pop culture critic Cory Doctorow all add perspective on how copyright has comes to affect everything from Mickey Mouse to Metallica. Follow songs from Muddy Waters to the Rolling Stones to the Verve and finally Nike commercials, and witness the ridiculous and era-defining lawsuits that ensue. If you listen to music regularly – any music! - this film is for you.
地: 寶藏巖 台北市汀州路3段230巷
TREASURE HILL: Dingzhou Rd, Sec. 3, Lane 230 (go to the end)
費: 免費
地圖 / MAP

片子: Diplo, CSS (12分鐘)
今晚的主題是Remix,我們將從創想計畫中的兩位藝術家把氣氛帶到最高點! 分別是廣受大家歡迎的美國DJ Diplo以及曾經要來台的巴西俏妞CSS的影片,相信這一晚大家會High翻天! 一起與我們狂歡吧~~~
Tonight’s theme is remix, so we’re warming up with two artists from the Creators Project stable that have embraced the Internet in a big way, the American DJ Diplo, and the Brazilian dance-rock band CSS.

《混製宣言》RiP! A Remix Manifesto
Brett Gaylor/Canada/2009/80min / En/Ch (英/中)
《混製宣言》是一部關於版權和混製文化的紀錄片。網路行動者及導演布雷特 ˙蓋勒在訊息時代探討版權問題,顛覆二十世纪媒體傳統形象,且打破大眾和媒體人的隔閡。電影主角Girl Talk為一名混製音樂創作者,他放歌的時候,連 Paris Hilton 上台跳舞 ,但他到底是草根力量楷模還是侵權行為引領者呢?從 Mickey Mouse 到 Metallica, 來看版權的影響力跨到我們所有的文化生產,也來聽如何 Muddy Waters 的音樂變成 Rolling Stones 的歌,再來透過 The Verve 的詮釋改成另外一個東西,最後出現在 Nike 的廣告的時候,也變成訴訟的主題。知識共享創始人勞倫斯˙萊斯格、巴西文化部長吉爾伯托˙吉爾、大眾文化批評家科利˙多克托羅一同探討此問題。
RiP: A remix Manifesto is a documentary film about copyright and remix culture. It starts off by following the mash-up artist Girl Talk, who’s topping the charts (and even meeting Paris Hilton) with his sample-based songs. But is Girl Talk about people power or piracy? Creative Commons founder, Lawrence Lessing, Brazil's Minister of Culture Gilberto Gil and pop culture critic Cory Doctorow all add perspective on how copyright has comes to affect everything from Mickey Mouse to Metallica. Follow songs from Muddy Waters to the Rolling Stones to the Verve and finally Nike commercials, and witness the ridiculous and era-defining lawsuits that ensue. If you listen to music regularly – any music! - this film is for you.
《紐約滑板客大事記》Deathbowl to Downtown
時: 11/27 (六/Sat) 7:30pm
地: 寶藏巖 台北市汀州路3段230巷
TREASURE HILL: Dingzhou Rd, Sec. 3, Lane 230 (go to the end)
費: 免費
地圖 / MAP

SHORTS 短片:創想計畫
Films 影片: 雷磊,Danny Perez, Carsick Cars (12分鐘)
今夜為我們帶來視覺上饗宴的是都來自北京的設計師雷磊和曾三度來台表演的火紅龐克團Carsick Cars 暈暈車! 這場放映同時也是美國一位知名的影像導演Danny Perez的作品大全。他曾經幫一些很酷炫的團拍過音樂錄影帶,像是Animal Collective 和黑骰子樂團 (Black Dice)。
Tonight, the Creators Project gives us designer Ray Lei and the rock band Carsick Cars, both from Beijing. There is also US filmmaker Danny Perez, who has directed music videos and even made films for cool bands, including Animal Collective and the Black Dice.

2 Films by Coan Nichols and Rick Charnoski
**Director Q&A following screening
Coan “Buddy” Nichols 與 Rick Charnoski 1998年認識,一下子就發先他們都超愛兩個東西,一個是玩滑板,另一個是以超八米厘底片為拍電影。他們兩個也是那種為了尋找聽說過的傳奇玩滑板的地方,願意開車兩天,不管是在德州,奧勒岡州,或是加州的無水的游泳池。這十年來,他們一直靠著這種素材拍了許多電影,片中的又粗糙又美麗的美學感夠好引起著明獨立電影導演 Gus van Sant 的主意,他後來利用他們的一些片斷在《迷幻公園》 (Paranoid Park) 一部電影裡。 Rick 與 Buddy 拍過電視廣告,MV,短片電影,紀錄片等不同類型的作品,我們現在非常的高興他們能來台北發表部新作!11月27日晚上播放電影之外,他們還會參加寶藏嚴11月27日至28日的 open studio,我們想歡迎大家過來遊牧影展的工作室好好認識。
Coan “Buddy” Nichols and Rick Charnoski met in New York in 1998 through skateboarding and shared an interest in super 8 film. They were the kind of guys who would drive halfway across America to skate a ramp in a backyard in Texas, a skate park in Oregon, or some empty swimming pools in California. They made films about all these things with a beautiful and grainy aesthetic of film, one so powerful Gus van Sant used some of their footage for his film Paranoid Park. Rick and Buddy have been making skate films for more than 10 years now, and also TV commercials, fashion films, music videos, short movies and documentaries. Their biggest so far is Deathbowl to Downtown (2008), a history of skateboarding in New York.
For the open studio at Treasure Hill Artist Village on Nov. 27-28 (Sat-Sun), Rick and Buddy will install some of their earlier films inside their studio. Anyone is welcome to come hang out with them.

Blood Shed
2009/ US/ 24min/ En/Ch
很多年前,美國最早最有名的滑板雜誌 《Thrasher》登上一篇文章,是描述一群年輕人,他們為了玩滑板而侵入陌生人的後院,可是不知道那家裡面住著崇拜撒旦的一群邪教徒。在這部短的劇情片中,大家可以猜後續是甚麼。。。
This short horror film is based on an old article in the first great American skateboard magazine, Thrasher. The article was about a bunch of kids who went to skate a pool at a house inhabited by a satanic cult. Guess what happens next?
《紐約滑板客大事記》Deathbowl to Downtown
2008/ US/ 86min/ En/Ch
Rick 跟 Buddy 一直說這部紀錄片“不應該視為紐約市滑板場景的正式歷史”,不過到現在都沒有更好的版本。為了拍這部,他們花了三年,訪問跟這個歷史有關的超過一百位,也整理好了數千老照片與數百個小時的老 VHS 錄影帶。在這個過程中,導演們一直遇上某一些故事,這部紀錄片就是收集這些故事的結果。透過敘述者 Chloe Sevigny (《Dogville》,《The Brown Bunny》,《Kids》) 的旁白,我們也看見滑板文化是如何從加州的衝浪文化的一個來源而登上陸地,後來傳染到美國各地郊區,終於在80年代的紐約經過一個很關鍵的變化,變成目前還流行的“街頭滑板”模式。
Rick and Buddy say this movie is “not meant to be viewed as the THE HISTORY of skateboarding in New York City,” but it is certainly the best one so far. They spent three years interviewing over 100 people from every generation of the NY skate scene and went through thousands of archival photos and hundreds of hours of footage. Throughout this process the same stories came up over and over. This film, narrated by Chloe Sevigny, is a collection of those stories. It’s also the tale of how skateboarding came out of the ocean in California, then spread to the suburbs all across America, and then in the 1980s underwent an important transformation in New York City, where the urban landscape finally took on a close association with skateboarding and “street skating” was born.
地: 寶藏巖 台北市汀州路3段230巷
TREASURE HILL: Dingzhou Rd, Sec. 3, Lane 230 (go to the end)
費: 免費
地圖 / MAP

SHORTS 短片:創想計畫
Films 影片: 雷磊,Danny Perez, Carsick Cars (12分鐘)
今夜為我們帶來視覺上饗宴的是都來自北京的設計師雷磊和曾三度來台表演的火紅龐克團Carsick Cars 暈暈車! 這場放映同時也是美國一位知名的影像導演Danny Perez的作品大全。他曾經幫一些很酷炫的團拍過音樂錄影帶,像是Animal Collective 和黑骰子樂團 (Black Dice)。
Tonight, the Creators Project gives us designer Ray Lei and the rock band Carsick Cars, both from Beijing. There is also US filmmaker Danny Perez, who has directed music videos and even made films for cool bands, including Animal Collective and the Black Dice.

2 Films by Coan Nichols and Rick Charnoski
**Director Q&A following screening
Coan “Buddy” Nichols 與 Rick Charnoski 1998年認識,一下子就發先他們都超愛兩個東西,一個是玩滑板,另一個是以超八米厘底片為拍電影。他們兩個也是那種為了尋找聽說過的傳奇玩滑板的地方,願意開車兩天,不管是在德州,奧勒岡州,或是加州的無水的游泳池。這十年來,他們一直靠著這種素材拍了許多電影,片中的又粗糙又美麗的美學感夠好引起著明獨立電影導演 Gus van Sant 的主意,他後來利用他們的一些片斷在《迷幻公園》 (Paranoid Park) 一部電影裡。 Rick 與 Buddy 拍過電視廣告,MV,短片電影,紀錄片等不同類型的作品,我們現在非常的高興他們能來台北發表部新作!11月27日晚上播放電影之外,他們還會參加寶藏嚴11月27日至28日的 open studio,我們想歡迎大家過來遊牧影展的工作室好好認識。
Coan “Buddy” Nichols and Rick Charnoski met in New York in 1998 through skateboarding and shared an interest in super 8 film. They were the kind of guys who would drive halfway across America to skate a ramp in a backyard in Texas, a skate park in Oregon, or some empty swimming pools in California. They made films about all these things with a beautiful and grainy aesthetic of film, one so powerful Gus van Sant used some of their footage for his film Paranoid Park. Rick and Buddy have been making skate films for more than 10 years now, and also TV commercials, fashion films, music videos, short movies and documentaries. Their biggest so far is Deathbowl to Downtown (2008), a history of skateboarding in New York.
For the open studio at Treasure Hill Artist Village on Nov. 27-28 (Sat-Sun), Rick and Buddy will install some of their earlier films inside their studio. Anyone is welcome to come hang out with them.

Blood Shed
2009/ US/ 24min/ En/Ch
很多年前,美國最早最有名的滑板雜誌 《Thrasher》登上一篇文章,是描述一群年輕人,他們為了玩滑板而侵入陌生人的後院,可是不知道那家裡面住著崇拜撒旦的一群邪教徒。在這部短的劇情片中,大家可以猜後續是甚麼。。。
This short horror film is based on an old article in the first great American skateboard magazine, Thrasher. The article was about a bunch of kids who went to skate a pool at a house inhabited by a satanic cult. Guess what happens next?
《紐約滑板客大事記》Deathbowl to Downtown
2008/ US/ 86min/ En/Ch
Rick 跟 Buddy 一直說這部紀錄片“不應該視為紐約市滑板場景的正式歷史”,不過到現在都沒有更好的版本。為了拍這部,他們花了三年,訪問跟這個歷史有關的超過一百位,也整理好了數千老照片與數百個小時的老 VHS 錄影帶。在這個過程中,導演們一直遇上某一些故事,這部紀錄片就是收集這些故事的結果。透過敘述者 Chloe Sevigny (《Dogville》,《The Brown Bunny》,《Kids》) 的旁白,我們也看見滑板文化是如何從加州的衝浪文化的一個來源而登上陸地,後來傳染到美國各地郊區,終於在80年代的紐約經過一個很關鍵的變化,變成目前還流行的“街頭滑板”模式。
Rick and Buddy say this movie is “not meant to be viewed as the THE HISTORY of skateboarding in New York City,” but it is certainly the best one so far. They spent three years interviewing over 100 people from every generation of the NY skate scene and went through thousands of archival photos and hundreds of hours of footage. Throughout this process the same stories came up over and over. This film, narrated by Chloe Sevigny, is a collection of those stories. It’s also the tale of how skateboarding came out of the ocean in California, then spread to the suburbs all across America, and then in the 1980s underwent an important transformation in New York City, where the urban landscape finally took on a close association with skateboarding and “street skating” was born.
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