門票 / Tickets: NT$200
學生票 / Student ID: NT$150 (學生必須秀學生證)
開幕派對 / opening party (4/26) : 通通NT$350
(一張票一晚看到飽 / one ticket per night)
a documentary on Afghan men going through basic training as they join the US-led coalition forces in the War on Terror. The screening will be followed by Q&A with director Waise Azimi.
門票 / Tickets: NT$200
學生票 / Student ID: NT$150 (學生必須秀學生證)
開幕派對 / opening party (4/26) : 通通NT$350
(一張票一晚看到飽 / one ticket per night)
a documentary on Afghan men going through basic training as they join the US-led coalition forces in the War on Terror. The screening will be followed by Q&A with director Waise Azimi.

**NEW 加場放映 5/3 - 5/4
@南海藝廊 台北市重慶南路二段19巷3號-中正紀念堂捷運站
Nanhai Gallery #3, Lane 19, Chongqing S. Rd., Taipei (MRT CKS Memorial Hall)
5/3(六) Saturday
pm2:30 性變態的電影異想世界 The Pervert’s Guide to Cinema
Sophie Feinnes / 2006 / UK 英國 / 150min / En/Ch subtitles 英/中
5/4(日) Sunday
pm2:30 亞洲搖滾樂的惡夢 Wasted Orient
Kevin Fritz / 2007 / 92 minutes / Ch/En subtitles 中/英
pm4:30 星際迷航—皮爾金時代 Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning
Timo Vuorensola / 2005 / Finland 芬蘭 / 103min / En/Ch subs 英/中
pm7:00 誰是Bozo Texino? Who is Bozo Texino
Bill Daniel / 2005 / US 美國 / 56 minutes / En/Ch subtitles 英/中
**NEW 巡演到新竹 5/3 - 5/16
@新竹影像博物館 新竹市中正路65號
Hsinchu Image Museum, 65 Zhongzheng Rd., Hsinchu
我們2008年所有的節目將於新竹影像博物館放映: 節目表下載
Our entire 2008 schedule will tour to Hsinchu: Download the schedule
5/3(六) Saturday
10am 短片集二: 閒閒沒事...?! / Shorts 2: Saturday Night Special
2pm 企業人格診斷書 / The Corporation
7pm 誰是Bozo Texino? / Who is Bozo Texino
5/4(日) Sunday
10am 短片集三: 偶然之事 / Shorts 3: Encounters
2pm 亞洲搖滾樂的惡夢 / Wasted Orient
7pm 夢遊穿越湄公河 / Sleepwalking Through the Mekong
5/7(三) Wednesday
7pm 短片集五: 人世人事 / Shorts 5: Various Documents
5/8(四) Thursday
7pm 短片集六: 黑色透事 / Shorts 6: The Dark Side
5/9(五) Friday
7pm 美美 Mei Mei
5/10(六) Saturday
10am 短片集四: 小事 / Shorts 4: Little Things
2pm 性變態的電影異想世界 / The Pervert's Guide to Cinema
7pm 星際迷航—皮爾金時代 / Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning
5/11(日) Sunday
7pm Prisoners of Freedom City + Though I Am Gone / 我雖死去
5/14(三) Wednesday
7pm 短片集七:活著就是蠢事 / Shorts 7: Silly and Twisted
5/15(四) Thursday
7pm 短片集八: 異想不到的每件事 / Shorts 8: Ironic Fantasies
5/16(五) Friday
7pm 短片集一:『五』夜趣事 / Friday Night Funnies