感謝大家今年的踴躍投件,「2011城市遊牧影展」的影片徵選日期已截止。至今收到世界各地上百部作品,即日起我們的審片團隊將進行作品資格審查及評選,3月9日左右我們會把收件清單 po 在網站上。那時候之前,沒辦法回答每位導演的 email,請大家忍耐一下下!再次謝謝大家的參與!
Thank you all for participating our FILM SUNMISSIONS. We have received an abundance of films of exceptional qualities and diversities. The Urban Nomad Film Fest this year should be quite spectacular!
3/2 Call for films has closed. Hundreds of works have come from Taiwan and all corners of the world. Our screening committee has begun the selection process as of now. We will put up a list of received submissions hopefully by March 9, and shall inform the selected artists as soon as the line-up is decided. Thank you again for your patience and we look forward to seeing you in April!