Tuesday, February 13, 2007


IT’S ON!!! NT$5000 Prize for best short film from Taiwan

Urban Nomad, Taiwan's only underground film festival, is seeking entries for this year’s big to-do, which will be held in Taipei in late April/ early May.

We want films that push boundaries, that challenge conventions, that hit home, and are generally not included in other film festivals: experimental film/ video, animation, comedic shorts, political documentary, music documentary, skateboard/ surfing, gender, migrant workers, Internet shorts, North Korea and Iraq.

Due to our limited schedule, there are only so many films we can show, so shorter films (under 15 minutes) stand a greater chance of getting accepted. Also, films need to be accessible to both English and Chinese speaking audiences, which means films with subtitles and subject matter pertinent to Taiwan will be given priority.

If your film is accepted, you will be invited to an opening party, toasted royally, and potentially asked to speak before the screening of your film. We are also offering a cash prize of NT$5,000 for the best original short from Taiwan -- regardless of category.

FORMAT: DVD, MPEG, VCD (for some accepted films, we may later ask for mini DV, beta SP or other high quality versions)
ADDRESS: #2, Alley 1, Lane 12, Jinmen Street, Taipei, Taiwan
地址 : 臺北市金門街12巷1弄2號

Questions/contact: urbannomadfilmfest (at) gmail.com
Download application forms: here

2007城市遊牧徵片嘍 !!!!!!! 獎金5000元 !!!!!!

全台唯一地下獨立影展—城市遊牧影展。 今年影片競賽開始徵件! 展期將預定於四月底或五月初開幕,另諸公佈敬請期待。

徵選主題在於影片能推進至邊界、 挑戰傳統技法、 甚至能擊中要害之特質; 基本上未參加過其他影展的作品。 其類型可為 :實驗電影或錄影帶、 動畫、 喜劇短片、 政治、 音樂、 滑板、 衝浪、 性別專題、 外籍勞工問題、 網路短片、 北韓與伊拉克之記錄片等主題均在徵選範圍內。

受於放映時段場次的限制, 我們會統籌分類並盡力安排播放影片, 僅此希望更多的短片投件(15分鐘以內之短片), 也希望能推動各國作品相互了解, 並將優先審查加附有中文或英文對白字幕之作品。

一旦您的影片被受邀, 我們將誠摯的邀請您參予開幕酒會、 及場次前與觀眾對談或講解, 更於其中選出最佳短片贏得獎金5000元等機會。

收件日期: 即日起至2007年3月26日
徵片資格: DVD, MPEG, VCD(我們可能會請您另提供 mini DV beta SP 或其他影像效果較佳的形式規格)
寄件地址: 臺北市金門街12巷1弄2號
任何疑問請洽: urbannomadfilmfest (at) gmail.com
下載申請表格: 按這裡


Urban Nomad Film Fest was founded in Taipei in 2002 by two expatriate journalists in Taiwan, David Frazier and Sean Scanlan, and is the only festival in Taiwan that is both fully independent and receives no government funding. The ongoing project is to create a community-oriented film environment and put an end to the impersonal ‘black box’ movie theater environment where hundreds of people can watch films without really interacting with each other. We’ve held our five festivals to date in warehouse or outdoor spaces at Taipei’s Huashan Arts District (2002-2004, 2006), Treasure Hill (2005) and Taipei Artist Village (2007-present). We’ve specially curated film and video programs for art events, including the 2007 Scope Art Fairs in Basel and Miami, the 2008 Taipei Biennial, and Art Taipei 2009. We've also toured with our programs to the Hsinchu Image Museum, small cafes in eastern Taiwan, and Videotage in Hong Kong. Generally, our events have a strong social element (centered around the bar) and a DIY punk rock aesthetic.

Content has been socially motivated, growing with and out of digital and grassroots film movements: underground, alternative, digital, arthouse, DVcam, Flash, and web-based films. In 2005 we showed Martyn See’s Singapore Rebel, a banned film in Singapore about an opposition party candidate who is so sensitive there that after the a respected Western media outlet, the Far Eastern Economic Review, recently interviewed him, the issue was banned by Singapore’s government. But even though we showed this film and will continue to show films like it, we’re not advocating any political positions other than the right for people’s voices to be heard and for debates to take place. Most of our content is in fact light-hearted shorts, and has included everything from professionally produced comedies by Taiwan’s ArcLight production house to amateur skateboard and surf videos.

In 2005 and 2006, Urban Nomad began connecting with festivals and filmmakers in Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines and China. This helped us realize that new film networks are happening, and what’s more, they have a lot in common with each other, a lot to share, and a lot they can teach each other. The idea is to think globally and act locally, to realize that Malaysian kids, for example, have a lot to say to Taiwanese kids and vice versa, even though the major networks connecting them now are pop music, Hollywood film, and big media. It doesn’t have to be that way, and that’s one area where we hope to make a difference.

Urban Nomad is almost entirely self-funded. The budget is bare bones. We remain independent and committed to our ideals.

- Festival Directors, David Frazier and Sean Scanlan

Shorts, Docs, Rock'n'Roll! 短片、紀錄、搖滾樂!


勇於批判的知名導演麥可摩爾都讚賞不已的紀錄電影「史上最憤怒的男人」、紐約次文化工作室Alleged和塗鴉人、電影導演、展覽者之間的故事「美麗失敗者」、古根漢幻覺藝術家與樂團Animal Collective聯手衝擊震撼之作「Animal Collective之異界幻想」、北歐最大的搖滾音樂季紀錄片「北歐新搖滾世代」,還有中國當代批判藝術家艾未未專題等,而這些僅僅是2011第10屆城市遊牧影展第一波參展名單!



「城市遊牧影展 Urban Nomad Film Fest」2002年成立於台北,每年四月藉由短片與地下獨立電影放映創造出嶄新的社群感 (community feeling) ,至今已一口氣舉辦九年,今年2011年將盛大邁入第10屆。我們支持與鼓勵獨立電影與製片社群,除了組織有別傳統的放映活動,更與鄰近國家作交流。影展曾經於台北華山藝文特區、寶藏岩、政治大學、台中20號倉庫等藝文空間舉辦放映活動,近年也分別於台北藝術村、南海藝廊和新竹影像博物館放映了上百支影片,並在2008年參與了台北雙年展。除此之外,我們也舉辦巡迴國際影像藝術展,把來自台灣、中國、香港、印尼、菲力賓、新加坡等世界各國家的影片帶到瑞士巴塞爾、美國邁阿密和香港等國,以影像為媒介與世界居民交流。獨特的電影放映空間是城市遊牧的特色之一,我們希望除了傳統的「黑盒子」電影院概念(觀眾在鴉雀無聲的戲院內看電影),另類的觀賞空間體驗更能解放觀眾,提供多元雙向的電影溝通的機會。我們相信,電影不只是一種娛樂,前後左右的觀眾也不需要只是陌生人甲乙丙丁。畢竟,影史上的第一部電影可是在巴黎一間小咖啡館裡放映,人群興奮又恐懼地對著銀幕敲桌大喊呢!



說到資金,其效果在努力不在預算,成本的全部都是Dave 和 Sean 兩位策展人的荷包錢以及一些支持獨立電影的單位甘心贊助,所以需要靠售票賺回來。票價便宜,目標是打平罷了,這究竟是藝術活動!


城市遊牧影展曾被「破報」, 「中國時報」, 「聯合報」, 「蘋果日報」, 「中央社」,「NowNews」,「BBC中文」, Taipei Times, China Post, Taiwan News, 香港的「南華早報」等等報社報導, 其中我們很喜歡的一篇專訪是2008年「放映週報」刊登的, 你/妳可以在這裡看: http://www.funscreen.com.tw/head.asp?period=155