The weather is fine. Screening will take place as scheduled.

時: 10/3 (日/Sun) 8pm
地: 寶藏巖 台北市汀州路3段230巷
Dingzhou Rd, Sec. 3, Lane 230
地圖 / MAP
為了配合寶藏巖的開幕,遊牧影展的《腳踏車電影院》10月3日進行第一場放映,後來從10月23日至11月28日幾乎每個週末都有一場 (我們會在本網站宣佈細節)
Hey folks,
After four years of renovation, a Taipei arts district called Treasure Hill is reopening. Urban Nomad has been invited to screen films, FOR FREE! and outdoors. The first will be on Oct. 3 and will coincide with Treasure Hill's reopening weekend. After that, we'll show movies pretty much every weekend from Oct. 23 to Nov. 28 (details forthcoming on this site). The screening series is called DRIVE-IN MOVIES. Hope to see you there this Sunday!

FILM/影片:《Everywhere Now》
Bill Harvey/ 2008/ US/ 98min/ 英/中 (En/Ch)
** 反映後導演座談 film followed by director talk
比爾哈維的«沙拉油帶你環遊»中共通的議題不只振奮人心但也揪人心弦。導演比爾於2008年將自有1981年產的柴油賓士改裝為使用沙拉油的環保汽車,並開啟一段將近八千英里的長途旅程。 比爾說:「想像一下......連鎖速食店將會變成加油站。」equal parts comedy/tragedy立即拆解他的計畫,將電影的焦點由他的車轉移至他的人。超低氣溫、艱難道路和引擎無情地故障,讓這部紀錄片更像在懺悔自白。當他咒和罵罵按
Billy Harvey’s “Everywhere Now” is as much inspiring and heart wrenching, as it is universally relatable. It depicts an almost 8000 mile odyssey Billy undertook in the winter of 2008 after converting his 1981 Mercedes diesel to run on waste vegetable oil. “Think of it…Fast food chains could be the gas stations of the future” Harvey exclaims. Equal parts comedy/tragedy, the almost immediate unraveling of his plan quickly shifts the focus of this movie from his car to his character. Freezing temperatures, impossible drives, and the relentless malfunctioning of his engine slant the movie away from “documentary” and more toward “confessional”. It is here, as he honks and sputters his way across America that his insights and indomitable spirit expose the true heart of this movie...him. What we recognize of him in ourselves is what makes this story so moving. “Everywhere Now” may be a touchstone for us all, giving pause to question and almost surely encouraging one to just keep going.