***Online Registration for free tix ends Sep. 18 (Fri) at midnight. Extra seats open up 10 minutes before the screening next Tuesday

Radiohead 的 Thom Yorke,聯合國前任秘書長 Kofi Annan 都要參與這場同一天在45個國家的全球首映,電影是 《愚蠢時代》,洛杉磯時報評論這部紀錄片說是戈爾的《絕望真相》再加個性,下個星期二下午在台北免費放映,城市遊牧非常榮幸作為協辦單位,這場之後台灣不 一定有第二次放映,大家趕快上網報名!(點上下面的連接,看網頁的下右)
The Age of Stupid may be the most important film you’ll see this year, and the worldwide premier happens next Tuesday in 45+ countries around the world, including a free screening in Taipei. Radiohead’s Thom Yorke and former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan will be among those attending the premier of a film the LA Times has called “An Inconvenient Truth but with a personality.” This may be the first and last public screening in Taipei, and Urban Nomad is very happy to be a part of it. To get tickets, register online at the link below. (The registration form is at bottom right.)
報名 / GET TICKETS: http://sites.google.com/site/ageofstupidtw/
官方網站 / OFFICIAL WEBSITE: http://www.ageofstupid.net/
時間:2009年9月22日下午2點 (1:30入場)
主持人:王文華 (作家、若水創辦人)
When : Tue, Sep. 22, 2pm
Where: Armed Forces Cultural Center
Address: 69 Chunghwa Rd., Sec. 1, Taipei 100, Taiwan
- 免費活動,座位有限,請先完成線上報名,當日憑入場券、邀請函入場
- 已向律師公會報名者,當日可憑律師証直接入場
- 媒體朋友可憑記者証入場
- 現場備有茶點,敬請自備環保餐具、水杯
Please complete and submit the online registration form
on the right of the page.
You will be added to the Global Premiere guest list,
there is no need to print anything.
Refreshments will be served after the screening.
Please bring your own re-usable cups and plates.