The Fabled Shots by Su Hui-yu (蘇匯宇)
single channel video, courtesy of the artist and VT Art Space
Su claims the subject here is a synthesis of a terrorist and a victim. During one showing, a woman (one of the exhibitors) walked up to me and said, "While the air conditioning is broken, could you play something a little more cheerful?"

Flov'er by Huang Bo-chih (黃博志)
single channel video, courtesy of the artist
This video was made with a scanner, and Huang used more than 10,000 scans of flowers in its making. Other works we showed by him were:
Sweet Dream by Huang Bo-chih
Self Portrait No. 1 by Huang Bo-chih

Introduction (序)by Kuo I-Chen (郭奕臣)
single channel video, courtesty Galerie Grand-Siecle
This one is very windy.

Visitor by Wang Ya-hui (王雅慧)
single channel video, courtesy Galerie Grand Siecle
Notice the floating cloud in the upper right hand corner. It is a trompe l'oeil that floats through the entire video piece.

Portrait of a Sino-American Frienship by James Hong
short experimental film, courtesy of the filmmaker
Covert footage of a fat American doing a business deal while getting a pedicure somewhere in modern China.

Music video for "Joys of the Ferryboat of Mercy" by LTK Commune, directed by Chen Yi-ren (MV:歡喜渡慈航 樂團:濁水溪公社 導演:陳奕仁)
Music video, courtesy of Xiao-ko

Airport by Chen Wan-jen (陳萬仁)
single channel video, courtesy of the artist

A.T.P.M Structure by Li Chieh-hua
single channel video, courtesy of the artist

Walm-Art by David Frazier
stupid channel video, by Urban Nomad
Ok, it was kind of stupid, kind of obvious, but maybe it was better than the "Fuck Art Fairs" t-shirts someone else was selling. Anyway, I saw Jordan chuckle.

Mirror by Dominik Tyliszczak
single channel video, courtesy of the artist
We also showed The Wig by Dominik Tyliszczak.

From Demo Reel & Film Excerpts 99-06 by Coan Nichols and Rick Charnoski
short film compilation, courtesy the filmmakers
This is some of the coolest, most beautiful skate footage we've ever seen or shown. The poetry of skating pipes, pools and other shenanigans. We also showed their Randome Shorts video.

Ricochet by Greendot Films
short film, courtesy of the filmmakers
This was so brutal it was totally awesome!!! It comes off a Greendot Films compilation called Three Legged Legs.
Jade Dragon Snow Mountain by M. Ganzglass
single channel video, courtesy of the filmmaker
Cable cars suspended in a cloud, footage from China that's both poetic and pregnant with metaphor.

Fission by Chang Kun-I
animated short, courtesy of the filmmaker

Camouflage by Daniel Staudenmann

Parade by Reto Jeltsch

Shere II by Chris Sigdell
Thanks to our friend Daniel Staudenmann, a curator at the Cargo Bar in Basel, we had a sweet program from the local Basel artists (in other words, not Art Basel artists) of Kunstmarktbasel. Here's the lineup:
Shere II by Chris Sigdell
Camouflage by Daniel Staudenmann
Jubilee by Liliane Freiermuth
Engel by Lukas Buergin
Fragmente by Markus Buser
Schwere der Dinge by Reinhard Wanner
Parade by Reto Jeltsch
The Beast Show by Reto Jeltsch
And last but not least, we showed a high speed film of a bald muscleman breaking flaming cinder blocks with his fist by Matt Luem.