這場是特別為了台大電影節安排的,參與者只要買一杯飲料.影片由城市游牧影展主辦人David Frazier介紹,映後座談由台大李明聰教授主持.歡迎大家來!
This is a special FREE SCREENING as part of the National Taiwan Univeristy Film Festival, and anyone is welcome to join. Urban Nomad's David Frazier will give a brief introduction to the film based on what he remembers from all those talks with the film's co-producer Nick Bonner, and NTU professor Lee Ming-tsung will lead a discussion after the screening.
時間 / Time: 12/11 (四/Thu) 7pm
地點 / Location:
海邊的卡夫卡 台北市羅斯福路三段244巷2號2樓
Kafka on the Shore, Roosevelte Rd., Sec. 3, Lane 244, #2, 2F
跨越 Crossing the Line (94分鐘)
(Daniel Gordon / UK / 2007)
In 1962, a U.S. soldier sent to guard the peace in South Korea deserted his unit, walked across the most heavily fortified area on earth and defected to the Cold War enemy, the communist state of North Korea. This is the story of a man who found a happiness the global media tells us is impossible. Now, after 45 years, the story of Comrade Joe, the last American defector in North Korea, is told.