Treasure Hill, Lane 230, Dingzhou Rd, Taipei (寶藏嚴台北市汀洲路230巷)
Free Admission

Another one of our sidelines: this event, presented this year by the Taipei Foreign Correspondents Club and the Tavern, is annual celebration of the life of the slain journalist/classical musician and his parents' steadfast commitment to "harmony for humanity." Formerly attracting as many as 200 attendants at a night venue, this year’s will be an all-day event to accommodate more musical performers. Special guests include: MILK, BIG BRASS BALLS, TARRY BUSH, MARK ARCHERY, BO PO MO FO, JEFF AND SLAUGHTER, .22, and SPOON DE CHOP. Come and support the notion of spreading peace and harmony through music. The Tavern will provide plenty of beer and barbeque.