Happy to announce we're bringing da festival to a more colorful place: Taichung:)!!

The Taichung details are as follows:
URBAN NOMAD 2005 TAICHUNGSATURDAY, May 28th, 7:30 – 10:00 PMSTOCK 20, Fushing Road, Section 4, Lane 37, No 6-6,
Directly across from the tracks from Taichung Railway Station…
台中市復興路四段37巷6-6號(台中火車站後站20號倉庫)NT$200 Admission, outdoors. Films will appear in order.
And yes!! motherfuckers, Sean made up this swell schedule, FYI: it's a distillation of the most slammin' of the 2-day Taipei event and, BTW, as a group the most volatile motion pictures circulating in Taiwan in this day and age.
An aide worker ducks mortar shells and carries injured victims as Liberian rebels herd the population into an overflowing soccer stadium. A lesson in humanity at its worst, and lots of blood to boot.
Those Left Behind Kloie Picot 10 minutes
Taipei resident Picot filmed this footage in Sri Lanka during the second month after the killer tsunami devastated the area. She turns her camera lens to the ongoing relief effort and political turmoil of the island nation.
NEXT SECTION8:00I guess, who knows Jamie Wang王家敏, 6 minutes
Ever wonder how many surveillance cameras are in your neighborhood? Well this student film maker did a little research, hopping from camera to camera, eventually settling back onto the sofa and speculating just what the hell people are doing as viewed by his apartment’s surveillance system.
Savage Apartment Chang Jya Wei張家維11minutes
Five students put on wigs, fake beards, and recreate a life when people lived outdoors amongst the mosquitos. A hilarious take on modern life, and some pretty good cave-man like sets.
Carmel Machiato by Yusuke Kun 5 minutes
An erotic food thing by Japanese art/experimental film director Kun. It’s a sensual shrimp curry.
No More Sympathy For Bastards and My Lover Patrick Tsai 13 minutes
A man, fed up with his wife and adorable child, first tries to kill himself by smoking cigarettes, later throwing himself off a building. Boy, was he pissed off at his wife.
CULTURAL AMBUSH: EAST BEATS WEST8:30Taipei 101: A Travelogue of Symptoms James T. Hong 23 minutes
An American Born Chinese returns to his roots only to find it exactly the same as America. He trains his camera on fat Americans, local film directors, and just about anything else that comes into this spiteful gaze.
Nineteen Seventy-four by Darin Caudle 23 minutes
We didn’t ever expect anyone would make a good Taiwanese girl student-English teacher seduction movie. This film looks at the subject seriously and succeeds. It’s unflinchingly (and almost uncomfortably) real.
GET A LIFE: TAIWAN SHORTS9:15The Crazy 8 LAX 6 minutes
Kind of like Superfly, but at Taipei Sports Bar.
The Coffee Run Sean Scanlan 2 minutes
A fat guy caught in traffic.
Telephoney Sean Scanlan 4:30 minutes
Cell phone calls are such a pain in the ass. Fuckin goddam!
The Optimist 6 minutes
A couple out on a date, he thinks he is getting laid, she thinks he’s a loser who won’t get another shot.
Living the Dream Norman Szabo 5:30 minutes
Fiction. A man takes part in an experiment to make himself more successful.
Kai Wan Jason Sedor 4 Minutes
During a quick Taiwan tour, pro surfer Kai Otton busted some airs and hit some floaters and shit.
FEATURE9:50Tortured by Joy by Henry Griffin 10 minutes
A short film narrated by acclaimed hipster, socialite, and leader of NY’s Lounge Lizards, John Lurie. Friggin’ hilarious
SATURDAY NIGHT SPECIAL: THE RESTThe Tooth by Marcel Dejure 28 minutes b&w super 8
The latest surrealist directorial bow from festival co-founder Marcel DeJure, features among other things, political intrigue, a shady netherworld, mind-controlling hallucinogenic teeth and the cumbia band The Very Be Careful.
Noah, Noah Tony Wu 20 minutes
Acclaimed experimental filmmaker, Tony Wu, shows his most literal movie to date, beginning with an e-mail correspondence with a San Francisco based friend, later traveling via train and plane to a city consumed with gay consciousness